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Take a suitable distance, for example 20 kilometers. (The result is the same for any distance; you can also use a distance "x" - this will cancel in the end.)

At 20 km, it will take 2 hours to go up, and 1 hour to go down. This means it takes a total of 3 hours to move 40 km - an average speed of 13.33 km/hour.

Note that the slower speed affects the result more than the higher speed, because the car goes longer at this slower speed!

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Q: A car went up a hill at 10 kilometers per hour and down the same distance at 20 kilometers per hour. what was the average speed?
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How do you calculate the speed of something going down a hill?

Average speed = Distance travelled/Time taken. And that applies whether the object is going downhill, uphill or is on a roller coaster.

A car traveled 80 km in 2 hours What was its average speed in km per hour?

maybe, you should get off wiki answers, and figure it out. lets see, you need to divide it down to km/pH. 80 kilometers = 2 hours, 40 kilometers in 1 hour. average speed? 40 km. that's saying they don't stop anywhere.

Suppose you walked 10miles down a hallway in 2.5seconds. What is your average speed?

10 miles is 10*1.6 = 16 kmYour ave. speed is distance/time = 16/2.5 = 6.4 km/s or 23,040 km/h or 14,400 mphAnyway who the hell walks at a speed of Mach 19???

Why do you have to multiply the average speed of a ball going down a ramp by 2 in order to find its final speed?

The last moment, the speed is the final, the first moment, the speed is zero, average=final /2. For the bit just before the final, and the bit an equal bit just after the start the average is again final/2. For every instant before the final, coupled with the same instant after the start, the average is final/2. So the average for the whole trip is final/2. So to get the final, multiply the average by 2.

A plane traveling at 80ms lands on a runway and comes to rest after 10 seconds what was the distance it traveled down the runway before it stopped?

Original Answer: 400 m/sThis answer is a speed, not a distance.You cannot determine what the distance traveled was since the speed is presumably decreasing for the entire manoeuvre. The best you could do is estimate the distance to be 400 metres. There is insufficient information to do otherwise.For example, if the plane touched down at a speed of 80m/s and didn't change speed until it ran into a wall 10 seconds later, it would have travelled 800m. Of course that would be "coming to a FINAL rest"... :-)

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Average Speed = (distance traveled) / (total time), Total time = (distance traveled) / (average speed). So, to calculate time taken, you need to know the speed and the distance. Note that average speed is a quantity that is normally calculated based on the distance traveled and the time taken. If you slow down and speed up, these factors affect your average speed over a given distance. But if you were already traveling at a given speed and stay constant (say you're on a flat straight road and you're traveling at 50 miles per hour with the cruise control set), then your average speed would be that constant speed. So, in the example, if you were going 50 MPH, then: Total time = (distance traveled) / (average speed) = 0.34 miles / (50 miles/hour) = 0.0068 hr = 0.408 minutes = 24.48 seconds (note this is only for the example speed of 50 MPH - plug in your own speed to obtain the result that you are looking for)

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Average speed = Distance travelled/Time taken. And that applies whether the object is going downhill, uphill or is on a roller coaster.

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A car traveled 80 km in 2 hours What was its average speed in km per hour?

maybe, you should get off wiki answers, and figure it out. lets see, you need to divide it down to km/pH. 80 kilometers = 2 hours, 40 kilometers in 1 hour. average speed? 40 km. that's saying they don't stop anywhere.

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2.8 m/s A+ program answer (: