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Q: A certain bacteria doubles its population every 3 minutes how many bacteria will you end up with if you leave the single bacteria 24 hours?
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A certain bacteria doubles its population every twenty minutes how many bacteria will you end up with if you leave ten bacteria to multiply for four hours?

Actually, there will be 40960 bacteria after 4 hours.if i did my math right it should be 480 bacteria there will be 480 not that number im a trained math teacher .du.i think 40960 is wrong because don't forget that bacteria only live for minutes

The doubling time of a type of bacteria is 43 minutes. If every bacterium reproduces then after 43 minutes a population of 1024 bacteria will have grown approximately to what size?

If the doubling time is 43 minutes, after 43 minutes the population will double in size to 2048 bacteria. So with an initial population of 1024 bacteria, after 43 minutes it will double to 2048.

If one bacteria doubles every twenty minutes how many bacteria would you have after seven hours?


How long does it take bacteria to grow?

The time it takes for bacteria to grow can vary depending on the type of bacteria, environmental conditions (such as temperature and nutrients), and the presence of other bacteria. In optimal conditions, bacteria can replicate every 20 minutes, leading to exponential growth.

A bacteria splits in half after 20 minutes so that after 20 minutes there are 2 bacteria and after 40 minutes there are 4 bacteria How many bacteria will there be after 2 hours?

A bacteria splits in half after 20 minutes, so that after 20 minutes there are 2 bacteria, and after 40 minutes there are 4 bacteria. How many bacteria will there be after 2 hours?

The population of bacteria in a petri dish doubles every 12 h. The population of the bacteria is initially 500 organisms. How long will it take for the population of the bacteria to reach 800 Round yo?

2.5 hours is 150 minutes. So it will have doubled 15 times. 2^15 = 32768 bacteria after 2.5 hours.

A popalation of bacteria that doubles its size every 20 minutes exhibits growth?

Yes it exhibits growth

Is it true that under certain conditions bacteria can reproduce at a rapid rate?

Yes, under favorable conditions such as abundant nutrients and ideal temperature, bacteria can reproduce at a rapid rate through binary fission. Some bacterial species can replicate every 20 minutes, leading to exponential population growth.

The number of bacteria in room temperature urine doubles every how many minutes?

The number of bacteria in room temperature urine can double every 20 minutes under ideal conditions for bacterial growth. This rate can vary based on different factors, such as the type of bacteria present and the specific environmental conditions.

a bacteria population is growing exponentially with a growth factor of 1/10 each hour by what growth factor does the population change every 15 minutes?

The bacteria population has an exponential growth with a factor of 16 per hour. The growth factor has to be determined for the population change each half hour.

If a certain bacterium divides every 30 min when will there be more than 1000 bacteria?

After 4 hours, as the bacterium doubles every 30 minutes, resulting in 8 divisions within this time frame. Starting with 1 bacterium, this will lead to 28 = 256 bacteria after 4 hours.

How long does it take for bacteria to?

The time it takes for bacteria to reproduce can vary depending on the type of bacteria and the environmental conditions. Some bacteria can double their population in as little as 20 minutes under optimal conditions.