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Q: A certain colony of bacteria triples in length every 15 minutes it?
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What is a bacteria colony?

a bacteria colony is the same as a colony that is found in bacteria and fungus begins to form once you've seen a colony.

How do scientists study how bacteria are affected by antibiotics?

Laboratory scientists culture a bacterium (one single bacteria) so the bacteria grows to a colony. Scientists create many specimens of colonies for each bacteria. Then they can expose each colony to a different antibiotic medication or new antibiotic to see how the bacteria react to it. They look for sensitivity--meaning, any reaction in the growth of the bacterial colony. The growth may have no change (no sensitivity), slow down, or stop. But even better, ingredients in antibiotics need to disrupt the way bacteria use nutrients, so scientists look to see if the bacteria die when exposed to that specific antibiotic.Different groups or families of antibiotics work best on certain bacteria. At the same time, certain bacteria favor conditions only in certain areas of the body. So the bacteria for a skin infection is different from the bacteria that infects the urinary tract, for example.

What is a mass of bacteria that forms?

A mass of bacteria is a colony.

How long will a 1 mm long colony of bacteria be in 1 hour if it triples in length every 15 minutes?

This question takes a little reasoning power. You have to work it through.First, we establish that there are FOUR fifteen minute periods in every hour.So in in fifteen minutes, it will triple from 1 to 3 MM long.In another fifteen minutes, it will triple again, from 3 to 9 mm.After forty five minutes it goes again, to 27 mmAnd finally, at the end of the hour, it triples from 27 mm to 81 mm.

If bacteria in a colony are unable to perform conjugation how would this hurt the colony's chance for survival?

The colony would have less genetic variation. The Bacteria in the colony would be too genetically similar

The bacteria in colony are unable to perform transduction. how would this hurt the bacterial colony's chance for survival?

The bacteria would generally be more similar

What is a colony in microbiology?

A colony is a group of identical bacteria (clones) which grow together into a visible cluster. Generally, a colony is grown on an nutrient agar plate (on a petri dish with bacteria food in it) such that it is large enough to see the bacteria. An additional type of colony is a "microcolony" which is a term used for a group of the same bacteria which grown in the dirt.

What is bacterial colony?

A group or cluster of bacteria derived from one common bacteria.

He bacteria in a colony are unable to perform transduction. How would this hurt the bacterial colony's chance for survival?

the bacteria would be more genetically similar.

If a bacterium divides every 30 minutes producing two bacteria how many bacteria would a single colony contain after 24 hours if it began as a single bacterium?

After 24 hours, the single bacterium would have undergone 48 divisions (24 hours x 60 minutes/hour ÷ 30 minutes/division). Therefore, the single colony would contain 2^48 bacteria, which is 281,474,976,710,656 bacteria.

Can colony morphology help to determine the identity of bacteria?

to know the amount of bacteria present

What does a 'colony' mean in science terms?

colony term is mainly used in biology... fungal colony, colony of bacteria etc.. basically a group name.