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Q: A clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate than clock that is 3 seconds slow but keeps consistent time?
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In general a clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate than clock that is 3 seconds slow but keeps consistent time?

Yes, a clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate because it consistently maintains the correct time; it would only be off by 24 seconds after a full day. The clock that is consistently 3 seconds slow would accumulate a larger error over time.

In general a clock that loses 1 second every hour is more accurate than clock that is a second slow but keeps consistent time?


How accurate in seconds is an atomic clock in 1.7 million years?

An atomic clock is accurate to within one second over the span of about 100 million years, based on the current technology. Therefore, in 1.7 million years, an atomic clock would likely remain accurate to within a fraction of a second. Understand that this is an estimate and factors like maintenance and improvements in technology could affect this accuracy.

How accurate is the most accurate clock on earth?

The most accurate clock is an atomic clock invented at the university of Colorado in the United States.The atomic clock is accurate to within 1 second in 200 million years.

Why is the third hand on the clock called a second hand?

Because it points at the seconds? hours minutes seconds

Why is the second hand on a clock called a second hand?

Because it counts seconds.

How many seconds does it take the second hand of a clock to move from 3 to 8?

each number on the clock represents 5 seconds, 8-3 = 5, then multiply by 5 to get 25 seconds.

How accurate is a quartz clock?

Quartz clocks are very accurate, typically losing or gaining only a few seconds per month. Their accuracy is due to the precise vibration frequency of the quartz crystal used in the clock, which is much more stable than mechanical components.

What is the most accurate clock you can buy?

Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks that are available to the general public. To date, the most accurate clock made is the so-called quantum logic clock, which is accurate to about one second in 3.7 billion years.

What kind of clock offers most precision?

Atomic clocks are the most accurate clocks that are available to the general public. To date, the most accurate clock made is the so-called quantum logic clock, which is accurate to about one second in 3.7 billion years.

What is the most accurate time keeping device?

Atomic clocks are considered the most accurate timekeeping devices. They use the vibrations of atoms to keep time, which are incredibly consistent and reliable. These clocks are used in GPS systems, telecommunications networks, and scientific research.

Can second be measured by clock?

In many cases, there is a third hand that ticks on seconds