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Q: A coin is flipped three times what would the elements in the event of getting two heads be?
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What is the event of getting heads flipping the coin once?

The event is that the coin lands with the Heads on top.

What is the probability of getting heads at least once if a fair coin is flipped three times?


What are the possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped?

The possible outcomes of a coin that is flipped are heads or tails.

If you flipped a coin what would it be?

Heads or Tails

What is the chance that that 2 flipped coins both come up heads?

The probability that 2 flipped coins both come up heads is 0.52 or 0.25

When A coin is flipped what is probability of getting heads?

50/50. There are two sides (heads and tails), so half of the time it will land on heads. 49.5% or something like that because the coin can land on heads, tails, or on its edge. but the likelihood is like a fraction of a percent, but it is possible

What is the probability of getting heads 1 time if flipped coin 4 times?

It is 4*(1/2)4 = 4/16 = 1/4

What is the probability of a coin landing on heads when it is flipped 100 times?

The probability of landing on heads at least once is 1 - (1/2)100 = 1 - 7.9*10-31 which is extremely close to 1: that is, the event is virtually a certainty.

What is theromental?

suppose you flipped a coin 100 times you might have flipped heads 50 time and tails 50 times

Suppose six coins are flipped then the probality of getting at least one tail?

The probability of getting at least one tail in a flip of six coins is the same as the probability of not getting all heads, which is 1 - (0.56), or 0.984375.

A fair coin is flipped 4 times what is the probability of getting more than 3 heads?

The probability of flipping a fair coin four times and getting four heads is 1 in 16, or 0.0625. That is simply the probability of one head (0.5) raised to the power of 4.

When a coin is flipped what is the probability that it will come up tails?

The side heads is slightly heavier giving it a greater likely hood of landing on tails.