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T = H + 10

T + H = 42

so T = 26, H = 16

Therefore Prob(T) = 26/42 = 0.6190

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Q: A coin is tossed 42 times It landed showing tails 10 more times than it landed showing heads What is the experimental probability of the coin landing on tails?
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A coin is tossed 60 times It landed on heads 21 times what is the experimental probability of getting heads?


What is the probability of landing on the number three?

The answer depends on WHAT is landed: a number cube, a tetrahedral die, some other polyhedron, a spinner?

Math question!: The experimental probability of flipping a red-yellow counter and landing on yellow is 9/16 . If the counter landed on red 35 times, find the number of tosses?

Ok if the probability of getting yellow is 9/16 then the prob of getting red is 7/16. If we got red 35 times during the experiment that means the number of tosses was 80. Since 35/n = 7/16 where n = the number of tosses Answer: n = 80 tosses

What is the probability you get a 5 on a die or a tail on a coin?

the 5 on the die would be 1/6 if the die has the numbers 1-6 on it because each number has an equal chance of being landed on. for tails on a coin it would be 1/2 because both sides have an equal chance of being landed on.

What is random hmmm?

According to Wikipedia: "Randomness is a lack of order, purpose, cause, or predictability. A random process is a repeating process whose outcomes follow no describable deterministic pattern, but follow a probability distribution such that the relative probability of the occurrence of each outcome can be approximated or calculated. For instance, the rolling of a six-sided dice in neutral conditions may be said to produce random results in that one cannot compute before a roll what digit will be landed on, but the probability of landing on any of the six rollable digits can be calculated because of the finite cardinality of the set of possible outcomes. The term is often used in statistics to signify well-defined statistical properties, such as a lack of bias or correlation. Monte Carlo Methods, which rely on random input, are important techniques of computational science.[1] Random selection is an official method to resolve tied elections in some jurisdictions[2], and is even an ancient method of divination, as in tarot, the I Ching, and bibliomancy."

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The experimental probability of a coin landing on heads is 712. if the coin landed on tails 30 timefind the number of tosses and iuml and 129 and 128?

The answer is 72.

A coin is tossed 60 times It landed on heads 21 times what is the experimental probability of getting heads?


What is the probability of landing on the number three?

The answer depends on WHAT is landed: a number cube, a tetrahedral die, some other polyhedron, a spinner?

What is the noun form of landed?

The noun form of "landed" is "landing."

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The probability is 0 because she has never been near a forest.

How are spacecrafts landed?

By sticking their landing sticks to the moon craters.

What type of action verb is landed?

Nothing is possible. There is just... land,landed,and landing.

Math question!: The experimental probability of flipping a red-yellow counter and landing on yellow is 9/16 . If the counter landed on red 35 times, find the number of tosses?

Ok if the probability of getting yellow is 9/16 then the prob of getting red is 7/16. If we got red 35 times during the experiment that means the number of tosses was 80. Since 35/n = 7/16 where n = the number of tosses Answer: n = 80 tosses

How is an Apollo landing different to a space shuttle landing?

For a start, 6 Apollos landed on the moon. But on the Earth, the main difference is that the shuttle lands on a conventional runway, the Apollo capsule splash landed in the sea.

What is the name of the landing craft that first landed on the moon?

It is called the Eagle.

Is landing possible on planet venus surface?

Probes have landed on Venus