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Choosing people in a committee is not a matter of chance or probability. Personality, skill, seniority etc. enter into the decision.

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Q: A committee consists of 7 woman and 4 men what is the probability that the choice is a woman?
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A nursing class has 13 women and 18 men If a student is chosen randomly to be the team leader what is the probability the student is a woman?

The probability that a randomly chosen student is a woman can be calculated by dividing the number of women by the total number of students in the class. In this case, there are 13 women and 31 total students, so the probability is 13/31, which simplifies to approximately 0.419 or 41.9%.

What is the probability of a woman becoming pregnant if she has had a sterilisation?

Sterilisation of the woman has a 0.2% failure rate. If she and her partner are otherwise normal and do not use protection, there is an 85% chance of pergnancy occurring without the sterilisation. This means there is around a 1.6% probability of pergnancy in the first year after the procedure.

A nursing class has 13 women and 18 men if a student chosen randomly to be the team leader what is the probability the student is a woman?

least likely

What is the probability of getting a zero for feelings on the Myers-Briggs test?

In order to calculate such probability, you have to know the number of questions in that particular Myers Briggs test that refer to the Thinking/Feeling dichotomy. Assuming that you will pick answers randomly, the probability will be lower when there are more questions. For 8 questions on T/F preference, there is a 12.5% probability for a score of 0 on Feeling. For 16 questions, the probability is 6.2%. For 32 questions, the probability is 3.1%. etc. If you pick your answers according to your own beliefs, it would be very difficult to assess such a probability. However there will be a approx. 30% higher chance for a man to score 0 on Feeling than for a woman.

What is the probability that a woman who is a carrier of the colorblind gene and a colorblind man will have a daughter who will be colorblind?

the colorblindness is usually not activited in a female body but is usually seen in male

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A committee consists of 7 woman and 4 man if a member of the committee is chosen at random to act as chairperson what is the probability that the choice is a woman?


A committee consists of 7 women and 4 men if a member of the committee is chosen at random to act as a chairman what is the probability that the choice is a woman?

There are 11 people total and 7 women. The probability the chairman is a woman is 7/11.

If a committee consists of 7 women and 4 men if a member of the committee is chosen at random to act as chairperson what is the probability that the choice is a woman?

7 women in a group of 11 people 7/11

A committee consists of 7 women and 4men if a member of the committee is chosen at random to act as chairperson what is the probability that the choices is woman?

The probability of a woman being chosen in this situation is 7/11.

A committee consists of 7 women and 4 men if a member of the committee is chosen at random to act as chairperson what is the probability that the choice is a woman?

7 women in a group of 11 people 7/11

A group of 10 people consists of 5 men and 5 women A committee of 4 is chosen from this group What is the probability that one or more of the committee members is a man?

The probability that there are 1,2,3 or 4 men is 1-(the probability that no men are selected). First we select the first person. The probability that this person is a woman is 5/10=1/2. For second person it is 4/9, then 3/8 and finally 2/7. We multiply these together: (1*4*3*2)/(2*9*8*7)=24/1008. This is the probability that every single person in the committee is a woman. One minus that probability is 984/1008=41/42 which is 97.619% Read more >> Options >>

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[object Object]

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