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the colorblindness is usually not activited in a female body but is usually seen in male

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Q: What is the probability that a woman who is a carrier of the colorblind gene and a colorblind man will have a daughter who will be colorblind?
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A colorblind man and woman with normal vision whose father was colorblind have a son what is the probability that their son is colorblind?

Make a punnet square with the mother above, her genotype would be: X^B X^b, and the father to the left whose genotype is X^b Y.The probability of having a colorblind CHILD is 50%. The probability of them having a SON is 50%. Since we are asked what the probability of their SON being colorblind, it is 50% as well. The reason is because the chance of having a colorblind son, among sons only, (according to the punnet square) is 50%.

If a normal woman whose father is color-blind marries a colorblind man what are their chances of having a colorblind son?


A committee consists of 7 woman and 4 men what is the probability that the choice is a woman?

7/11Note:Choosing people in a committee is not a matter of chance or probability. Personality, skill, seniority etc. enter into the decision.

A nursing class has 13 women and 18 men If a student is chosen randomly to be the team leader what is the probability the student is a woman?

The probability that a randomly chosen student is a woman can be calculated by dividing the number of women by the total number of students in the class. In this case, there are 13 women and 31 total students, so the probability is 13/31, which simplifies to approximately 0.419 or 41.9%.

What is the probability of a woman becoming pregnant if she has had a sterilisation?

Sterilisation of the woman has a 0.2% failure rate. If she and her partner are otherwise normal and do not use protection, there is an 85% chance of pergnancy occurring without the sterilisation. This means there is around a 1.6% probability of pergnancy in the first year after the procedure.

Related questions

What is the probability that a colorblind woman and a man with normal vision will have a colorblind daughter?

It all will depend on what kind of (recessive or dominant) alleles are responsible for the colorblind characteristic and what kind of alleles do the parental genes have.

A colorblind man and woman with normal vision whose father was colorblind have a son what is the probability that their son is colorblind?

Make a punnet square with the mother above, her genotype would be: X^B X^b, and the father to the left whose genotype is X^b Y.The probability of having a colorblind CHILD is 50%. The probability of them having a SON is 50%. Since we are asked what the probability of their SON being colorblind, it is 50% as well. The reason is because the chance of having a colorblind son, among sons only, (according to the punnet square) is 50%.

A womens father is colorblind She marries a colorblind man Will there son or daughter be colorblind?

Colorblindness is an X-linked recessive disorder. This means girls (who have the sex chromosomes XX) must have a colorblind X from dad and a colorblind X from mom. Boys only need to have one colorblind X to be colorblind because they have sex chromosomes XY (and have only 1 X). If the dad has it, he has the colorblind X. If the daughter has it, she must have gotten her mom's colorblind X. If the mom is colorblind, then every child they have will be colorblind. If the mom is not colorblind, then she must be a carrier - she must have 1 normal X and 1 colorblind X. Mom is either colorblind (with 2 colorblind Xs) or she is a carrier. Dad is definitely colorblind.

Is color blindness a sex linked disease?

Yes. A person is color blind if all his or her X chromosomes have the defective gene. A man have one X chromosome, and a woman has two. Thus: If only the father is color blind - The probability that the son is color blind is 0% - The probability that the daughter is color blind is 0% - The probability that the daughter is a bearer of the defective gene is 100% If the mother is a bearer of the defective gene, but is not color blind, and the father is not color blind - The probability that the son is color blind is 50% - The probability that the daughter is color blind is 0% - The probability that the daughter is a bearer of the defective gene is 50% If the mother is a bearer of the defective gene but not color blind, and the father is color blind - The probability that the son is color blind is 50% - The probability that the daughter is color blind is 50% - The probability that the daughter is a bearer of the defective gene is 100% If the mother is color blind and the father is not - The probability that the son is color blind is 100% - The probability that the daughter is color blind is 0% - The probability that the daughter is a bearer of the defective gene is 100% If both parents are color blind - The probability that the child, regardless of gender, is color blind is 100%

If a color blind woman marries a man with normal vision the children will be?

there is a 50% chance that the child will be colorblind. If it is a boy, it will be colorblind, but if it is a girl, it will only be a carrier. Mother's chromosome is XrXr and Father's Chromosome is XRY, which means the children's genotypes will be XRXr if girl and XrY if a boy.

If a normal woman whose father is color-blind marries a colorblind man what are their chances of having a colorblind son?


What would the genotypes of parents have to be for them to have a color-blind daughter?

For a couple to have a color-blind daughter, both parents must carry the recessive gene for color blindness. The mother would need to be a carrier with the genotype X^BX^b, and the father would need to have the genotype X^bY. This gives a 25% chance of their daughter inheriting the X^bX^b genotype and being color-blind.

Can a colorblind father and normal sighted homozygous mother produce a daughter that is a carrier?

Color blindness is an X-linked trait. That means it is carried in the X chromosome, which differentiates whether a baby will be a girl or a boy. Women have two X chromosomes (XX), and men have an XY combination. If a woman is a carrier for color blindness, only one of her chromosomes will be affected (we'll call it a little "x"), and for that reason she will not be colorblind. Men, on the other hand, only have one X chromosome, so any time they carry the colorblindness gene, they will be colorblind. A child inherits one chromosome from each parent. He/She will get an X chromosome from his/her mother, and an X from her father (if a girl) or a Y from his father (if a boy). So, If a woman is a carrier, Xx, and a man is normal, XY, they have several different chances for different offspring: XX (a normal girl) XY (a normal boy) Xx (a normal girl who carries the colorblindness gene) xY (a colorblind boy) The short answer is, that if a woman has a boy, he has a 50% chance of being colorblind.

What is the probability that a woman who is a carrier of the colorblind gene and a color blind man will have a first son who will be color blind?

The probability is 0 (but the daughter will be a carrier of the color blind gene). This is because the gene dictating whether someone is color blind or not is linked to the X chromosome (and not the Y). The color blind gene is a recessive gene whilst the normal color vision gene is a dominant gene. Hence if a girl (XX) has one normal vision gene (from one parent) and one color blind gene (from the other parent), her normal vision gene will be dominant to the recessive color blind gene and hence she will have normal vision (but she will be a carrier of the color blind gene). If both her parents contribute the recessive color blind gene to her, then she will be color blind. For a woman (XX) to be color blind, she needs to be have both genes to be recessive (ie where there is no dominant normal color vision gene to dominate). For a man (XY), as long as the X gene contributed by his mother is a color blind gene, he will be color blind because he has no other X chromosome where a dominant normal color gene could reside. Hence, to answer the question, a man with normal color vision (XY, with a dominant normal color vision X gene since the gene can't be the recessive color blind gene otherwise he will be colorblind) and a colorblind woman (XX, both recessive color blind genes), will each contribute an X each the child. The man will contribute his only X chromosome which carries the normal color vision X gene and the woman can only contribute a recessive color blind gene. The man's normal color vision X gene will be dominant, and hence the daughter will definitely have normal vision (despite being a carrier).

If a color blind male who has normal clotting blood marries a female who is a carrier of hemophilia and has normal color vision could they have a color blind child?

In short, hemophilia has nothing to do with colorblindness, but YES, they could have a colorblind child if she is a carrier for the colorblindness gene. Color blindness is an X-linked trait. That means it is carried in the X chromosome, which differentiates whether a baby will be a girl or a boy. Women have two X chromosomes (XX), and men have an XY combination. If a woman is a carrier for color blindness, only one of her chromosomes will be affected (we'll call it a little "x"), and for that reason she will not be colorblind. Men, on the other hand, only have one X chromosome, so any time they carry the colorblindness gene, they will be colorblind. A woman will carry the colorblindness gene if: a. Her father is colorblind b. Any of her offpsring are colorblind She may carry the colorblindness gene if: a. Male family members (brothers, uncles, etc.) are colorblind A child inherits one chromosome from each parent. He/She will get an X chromosome from his/her mother, and an X from her father (if a girl) or a Y from his father (if a boy). So, If a woman has normal vision (assuming she does not have a family history of colorblindness), XX, and a man is colorblind, xY, they have several different chances for different offspring: Xx (a normal girl who carries the colorblindness gene) XY (a normal boy) Xx (a normal girl who carries the colorblindness gene) XY (a normal boy) The short answer is that ALL CHILDREN WILL HAVE NORMAL VISION. However, all daughters will be CARRIERS, meaning they can pass colorblindness on to their children.

The gene for color blindness is a recessive allele located on the x chromosome. If a color blind man and color blind woman have one son and three daughters how many will be color blind?

Women can not be colorblind, only men. For questions like these a punnett square is useful. Men can not carry the colorblind trait, but women can. I know this is kind of confusing. When a carrier ( a woman with the color blind trait) has children with a man ( color blind or not) her kids will have 50% chance of having that trait. If its a girl, she will be the carrier. If its a boy, he will have the colorblind trait. SO TO ANSWER YOUR QUESTION: Theoreticaly, 1 of the daughters will be the carrier, and the son will have a 50% chance of being colorblind. Women can be colorblind, its just rare. About every 6400 women one is colour blind and with men, every 80 men 1 is colour blind.

Why cant women be color blind?

Women can be colour blind.AnswerI am a woman who is red--green colorblind. The trait is carried on the X chromosome. Males receive an X chromosome from their mother and a Y from their father. If the X carries the trait of colorblindness, the male will be colorblind. Females need to receive two defective X chromosomes to be colorblind, one from their father and one from their mother. If a women has only one defective X chromosome, she will be a carrier of the trait. My father was red-green colorblind and so was my mother's father, making my mother a carrier of the trait, although she is not colorblind herself. I have two sisters who are not colorblind, as they each received a non-defective X chromosome from my mother. I knew before my son was born that he would be red-green colorblind, as the X chromosome he received from me carried the trait.