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Assuming the face value of the share is Rs. 10/- then initial dividend % is 15%

Year 1 - 20% which means Rs. 2/-

Year 2 - 25% which means Rs. 2.5/-

Year 3 - 30% which means Rs. 3/-

Year 4 - 40% which means Rs. 4/-

All dividends are per share under the assumption that the face value of the share is Rs. 10/-

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Q: A company just paid a dividend of of 1.50 a share The dividend is expected to grow 5 percent a year the next 3 years and then 10 percent a year thereafter Whats the Dividend per share next 5 years?
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How would the price of a stock be affected by its dividend?

Paying a dividend costs the company and as such will decrease the value of the company and the stock. If all other factors are equal, a buyer would prefer a stock that is expected to pay the higher dividend. If Company A is expected to pay $10 per share annually and Company B $8, an investor who wants to make 8% would be willing to bid $125 for a share of Company A but only $100 for Company B. On the date that a dividend is effective, a company's stock will drop by the amount of the dividend because that amount will be paid to the person who owned the stock at the beginning of that day.

What is the meaning of proposed dividend?

Proposed Dividend means a dividend that is paid by the company that the end of a finical year.

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What is the importance of dividend history in finances?

Dividend history is important especially for stock investing. Without knowing the dividend history for a company, you will never know if the company will be reliable to pay the dividend every quarter.

What is the difference between dividend proposed and dividend paid?

A company proposes a dividend to be paid to shareholders. The shareholders vote on this and the dividend that is actually paid may differ from that proposed.

What is dividend receivable?

Dividend is recieved by company shareholder as a profit and according to their shares.

What is the expected dividend in each of the next three years if XYZ Company paid a one dollar per share dividend yesterday and expects the dividend to grow steadily at a rate of 4 percent per year?

Year one 1.04, two 1.044, three 1.052

What is a simple explanation of a dividend?

A dividend is a share of a company's profit paid to each stockholder.

What time can you sell shares to qualify for the dividend?

You can sell shares to qualify for the dividend on or after the ex-date (ex-dividend date), which will be announced the company

What is a sentence for the word dividend?

First of all, the Dividend, at least in Mathematics, is the Number being DIVIDEND. So, in the equation, 20 / 5 = 4, 5 is the DIVIDEND. Next, if you'd like a sentence you could say, for that equation, "The dividend of the equation, "Twenty divided by five", is five,". On the contrary, if you're talking about business here... A dividend will be a property of money. It'll be what's paid to the shareholders of a company, out of the profits, the company makes. If you want dividend in a sentence, business-wise how about: "The Company shared it's DIVIDEND quarterly amongst it's 4 shareholders. " That should work.

What does a dividend mean?

Declaring a dividend is a corporate action taken by the board of directors of a company. Usually this is done once or twice a year when the company's financial results are declared and the company has made handsome profits/revenues. Dividend is usually declared as a % of the face value of a share. A 100% dividend on a Rs. 1/- face value share represents a dividend of Rs. 1/- similarly a 100% dividend on a Rs. 10/- face value share represents a dividend of Rs. 10/- Ex: You hold 1000 shares of XYZ limited with a face value of Rs. 5/- the company has declared a 50% dividend. Then you would receive Rs. 2,500/- as dividend.

What does declare a dividend mean?

Declaring a dividend is a corporate action taken by the board of directors of a company. Usually this is done once or twice a year when the company's financial results are declared and the company has made handsome profits/revenues. Dividend is usually declared as a % of the face value of a share. A 100% dividend on a Rs. 1/- face value share represents a dividend of Rs. 1/- similarly a 100% dividend on a Rs. 10/- face value share represents a dividend of Rs. 10/- Ex: You hold 1000 shares of XYZ limited with a face value of Rs. 5/- the company has declared a 50% dividend. Then you would receive Rs. 2,500/- as dividend.