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Year one 1.04, two 1.044, three 1.052

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Q: What is the expected dividend in each of the next three years if XYZ Company paid a one dollar per share dividend yesterday and expects the dividend to grow steadily at a rate of 4 percent per year?
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How would the price of a stock be affected by its dividend?

Paying a dividend costs the company and as such will decrease the value of the company and the stock. If all other factors are equal, a buyer would prefer a stock that is expected to pay the higher dividend. If Company A is expected to pay $10 per share annually and Company B $8, an investor who wants to make 8% would be willing to bid $125 for a share of Company A but only $100 for Company B. On the date that a dividend is effective, a company's stock will drop by the amount of the dividend because that amount will be paid to the person who owned the stock at the beginning of that day.

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common stock current price $90 is expected to pay a dividend of $10. Company growth rate is 11%. estimate the expected rate of return on corp stock common stock current price $90 is expected to pay a dividend of $10. Company growth rate is 11%. estimate the expected rate of return on corp stock

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Ryder Supplies has its stock currently selling at 63.25 The company is expected to grow at a constant rate of 7 percent If the appropriate discount rate is 17 percent what is the expected dividend?

tomato 6.33

What is the importance of dividend history in finances?

Dividend history is important especially for stock investing. Without knowing the dividend history for a company, you will never know if the company will be reliable to pay the dividend every quarter.

What is the meaning of proposed dividend?

Proposed Dividend means a dividend that is paid by the company that the end of a finical year.

Thomas brothers is expected to pay a 0.50 per share dividend at the end of the year the dividend is expected to grow at a constant rate of 7 percent a year the required rate of return on the stock?

The rate of return on the stock is dependent on the public's appraisal of the current economic situation and of the company. However, on the long term it is dependent on the management's efforts.

What is dividend receivable?

Dividend is recieved by company shareholder as a profit and according to their shares.

Which company is paying out the highest dividend yeld in the FTSE 100?

Please read with caution: Dividend forecasts are just that, we can not be sure what a company will pay as a dividend. For example, in the Related Link below, Aviva is expected to give the highest dividend yield of 8.1%. Aviva also has a very good P/E ratio and Price to book ratio. Still it's better to err on the side of caution as profits are reliant on other aspects of the stock markets doing well.

What is a simple explanation of a dividend?

A dividend is a share of a company's profit paid to each stockholder.

What is the difference between dividend proposed and dividend paid?

A company proposes a dividend to be paid to shareholders. The shareholders vote on this and the dividend that is actually paid may differ from that proposed.

What payments will you receive if you buy the stock and plan to hold it for three years at 1 per share dividend yesterday and expect the dividend to grow steadily at a rate of 4 percent per year?

I assume you mean 1% dividend. For the first year, each quarter you will receive one quarter of one percent, or 0.25%. The second year, well, that depends on what you mean. Do you mean an absolute growth of 4%, or 4% of the dividend? If it is the later, you will receive 1.25% per quarter. If it is the former, you will receive 0.26% per quarter. For the third year the same question applies: absolute or relative? For absolute, you will receive 2.25% per quarter. For relative, you will receive 0.27% per quarter. Whichever is the case, multiply the percentage by the stock price to determine what the dividend. You will receive that every quarter for the three years. If you hold it for three years, and then sell, you may get the final dividend. Assuming that the company pays the dividend on the exact business day (or sooner)three years later, you will be holder of record before the ex-dividend date, and you will get the final dividend.