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Q: A cruise ship is traveling at a rate of 20 miles per hour. Determine a direct variation formula to calculate the miles traveled for each hour. Use t for time and m for miles.?
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A cruise ship is traveling at a rate of 20 miles per hour what would be a direct variation formula to calculate the miles traveled for each hour if you use 't' for time and 'm' for miles?

The formula is: m=20t

How do you calculate the distance of an object has traveled?

To calculate the distance an object has traveled, multiply its speed by the time it has been traveling. This formula can be written as distance = speed * time. Make sure to use consistent units for speed and time when applying this calculation.

How do you calculate the distance and object has traveled?

You can calculate the distance an object has traveled by multiplying its speed by the time it has been traveling. So, Distance = Speed x Time. If the object's speed is constant, you can simply multiply the speed by the total time traveled to get the distance.

How do you find distance traveled?

You multiply the speed at which you are traveling by the time spent traveling.

How can you calculate the distance traveled by object?

The distance traveled by an object can be calculated using the formula: distance = speed x time. Simply multiply the object's speed by the time it has been traveling to find the distance covered.

How fast is traveling 5000 feet in 30 seconds?

To calculate the speed, you would divide the distance traveled by the time it took to travel that distance. In this case, traveling 5000 feet in 30 seconds means you are traveling at a speed of 166.67 feet per second.

What two measurements would you use to calculate the velocity of an object?

To calculate the velocity of an object, you would typically need two measurements: the distance traveled and the time taken to travel that distance. By dividing the distance traveled by the time taken, you can determine the object's velocity.

What is the correct grammar Have you been traveled before or Have you traveled before?

"Have you traveled before?" The auxiliary verb "have been" is used with the present participle, "traveling."

Is the word traveling or traveling?

The word travelled (also traveled) is the past participle, past tense of the verb to travel. The past participle of the verb is also an adjective: the traveled road; a well travelled adventurer.

Which direction would you be traveling if you traveled from Colorado to Mississippi?


How was traveling in Columbus' time?

They traveled by boats and horse carriages

What ship was Magellan traveling on?

he traveled on the Concepción, and the other ships that traveled with him were the San Antonio, the Santiago, the Trinidad, and the Victoria.