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Q: A drawing that shows the base of a structure and the height of each part what is it?
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Volume of a pyrimid?

1/3(b*h) b means the base of the pyramid h means the height of height of the pyramid. The height is not to be confused with the lateral height (Which is the slanted height.) The height is found by drawing a segment from the vertex (or apex) of the pyramid to the center of the base.

When calculating area what are the similarities between triangles and parallelogram?

Parallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*HeightParallelogram = Base*Height Triangle = 0.5*Base*Height

How do you know which side on the triangle is the base?

If you want to calculate the area, any of the three sides can be the base. From the base, you draw a perpendicular line to the third angle, to get the height. The result will be the same (within the limit of drawing accuracy, of course), whatever side you choose as the base.

For a rectangle length and width are sometimes used in place of?

Base and height

How do you find the base of a trapazoid when you have the height and area?

Area = Base * Height so Base = Area/Height

What is the area of a parallelogram with base and height?


How can you find the height of aparallelogram by using area and base?

You can find the height of a parallelogram given the area and base measures by working backwards from the area formula. The area of a parallelogram is found with the formula: Area = Base * Height To solve this equation for Height, we divide both sides by the base. Area / Base = (Base * Height) / Base Simplify: Area / Base = Height

How can you find the height of a triangle if you have base and area?

The relation between the height of a triangle, its base and its area is given by: Area = 0.5 * Base * Height Therefore, we have: Height = (2 * Area)/ Base.

How do you get the base of a triangle when you have the height and area?

Area of a triangle = base * height / 2 Therefore the base = Area * 2 / height

Is base the height?

no, height is how tall it is and base is the bottom of the shape.

Can you find the base and height measurements for a triangle if the area is 22?

No. I can only find the height in terms of the base (and area) of the triangle, or the base in terms of the height (and area) of the triangle. Specifically, since: area = 1/2 x base x height ⇒ 22 = 1/2 x base x height ⇒ 44 = base x height I can rearrange that to: height = 44 ÷ base or base = 44 ÷ height For example, the triangle could have a base of 11 units and a height of 4 units; alternatively, the triangle could have a base of 10 units and a height of 4.4 units; or, the triangle could have a height of 2 units and a base of 22 units; etc.

How do you find the height of a cube?

Since: Volume = height x base Height = Volume / Base