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Right Circular Cone

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Q: A figure formed by the intersection of two ordinary hollow cones such that their points meet and their bases are parallel?
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What is the figure called formed by the intersection of a right circular cone and a plane that lies parallel to the edge of the cone?

A parabola is the figure formed by the intersection of a circular cone and a plane that lies parallel to the edge of the cone. (the cone does not have to be a right [90°] circular cone).

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The answer would be a right cylinder. A right cylinder is a cylinder that has a closed circular surface having two parallel bases on both the ends and whose elements are perpendicular to its base.

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A line is.

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A Circle.

The figure formed by two straight lines meeting at a point?

The intersection of two lines is a point. If both lines are straight the figure of four separate triangles are formed. The type of triangles are dependent on the angle of the intersection.

A segment formed by the intersection of two faces of a three dimensional figure?

An edge.

Which figure is formed by two ordinary hollow cones?

An hourglass

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Which figure is formed by the intersection of a cube and a plane which is perpendicular to four of the cubes sides?

a square

What shape is formed by the intersection of a cone and a plane that is parallel to a cone's base not containing the cone's vertex?

The shape described by the intersection of the cone and the plane is simply a circle.