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A pictogram.

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Q: A graph in which small symbols represent amounts or quantities?
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What do you call a graph using symbols to show amounts?

what graph uses symbols to represent amounts

What is useful for comparing amounts or quantities?

bar graph

A graph of pairs of numbers that represent real-life situations It is a way to analyze the relationship between two quantities?

A coordinate graph is a graph of pairs of numbers that represent real-life situations.

What are the 3 graphs use in representing data?

There's a bar graph, pie graph, and a line graph. All represent amounts of change or amounts of a substance. Hope this helped

What type of graph thatis used to represent and compare data in categories?

Bar graph for amounts. Histogram for amounts over a certain amount of time.

Which type of graph displays data with bars that represent numerical amounts?


What is alike in bar graph and picture graph?

A bar graph uses rectangles of equal width to represent numerical values of variables whereas a picture graph conveys information using pictures and symbols.

What is a concrete vs a pictorial graph?

A concrete graph uses physical objects to represent data, such as bar graphs made with blocks. A pictorial graph uses pictures or symbols to represent data, like a graph showing ice cream sales using ice cream cones.

What do you call a graph that uses pictures and symbols?

A graph that uses pictures and symbols is called a pictograph

Which type graph displays data with bars that represent numerical amounts?

Bar graphs do this. There are actually a few different kinds of bar graph, but they all have the same basic function.

Which graph shows quantities and how they vary by other factors?

A bar graph.

What does a point represent on a graph?

A point can represent a piece of data or an (x,y) value.