There's a bar graph, pie graph, and a line graph. All represent amounts of change or amounts of a substance. Hope this helped
The best graph for numerical information will depend on what you want to present. The linear graph, bar and the pie graph are some of the best graphs to present numerical data.
a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line
The graph that displays data using line segments is a line graph.
A histogram graph displays continuous data. The data is displayed in ordered columns. Example of data that can shown by a histogram graph is time, inches, and temperature.
what graph uses symbols to represent amounts
BAR ;)
A pictogram.
There's a bar graph, pie graph, and a line graph. All represent amounts of change or amounts of a substance. Hope this helped
Bar graph for amounts. Histogram for amounts over a certain amount of time.
It could be a pie chart or a bar chart.
A bar graph uses rectangles of equal width to represent numerical values of variables whereas a picture graph conveys information using pictures and symbols.
The best graph for numerical information will depend on what you want to present. The linear graph, bar and the pie graph are some of the best graphs to present numerical data.
a bar graph is a graph that displays data using bars and a line graph is a graph that displays data in a line
The graph that displays data using line segments is a line graph.
The answer depends on what the graph displays.