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a high speed train travels south for 2.00 h for a distance of 454km. what is its average velocity?

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Q: A high speed train travels south for 2.00 h for a distance f 454 km What is its average velocity?
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(79 km/hr) x (5.7 hr) = 450.3 kmThat's the displacement, if the direction of the velocity was constant throughout the trip.

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Joe has ridden a distance of 3.125 km in 15 minutes since velocity is distance traveled divided by time taken.

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Average speed = Total Distance/Total Time = (15+25)/2 = 40/2 = 20 miles per hour. Velocity (due North) = Total NET distance North/Total Time = (15-25)/2 = -10/2 = -5 miles per hour or, velocity due South = 5 miles per hour.

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That is incorrect. The distance travelled north cancels out the distance travelled south. Therefore - he only travels three blocks east.

What is the velocity of someone going north on main street for 1800 m then south on main street for 2200 m and the total time is 400 seconds?

The person travels a total of 4000 m in 400 seconds, so their average speed is 10m/s. However velocity is a vector quantity, and is defined as displacement/time. The total displacement is only 400 m, so the average velocity is just 1m/s.

Velocity and speed?

Velocity is how fast and what direction. The formula for this is distance over time, indicating the direction. (North East, South or West.) Speed is how fast something is moving. Speed is like velocity except velocity indicates direction. The formula is distance divided by time. Hope that helps. :)

What is the velocity of a car that travelled 340km south in 4.5 hours?

Simply divide the distance traveled by the time.

What is resultant velocity of the plane if a plane travels 100 km per hour to the north with a headwind of 25 km per hour towards the south?

The resultant velocity of a plane is 75 km/hr.

How do you convert distance to velocity?

To convert distance to velocity, you will need to divide the distance traveled by the time taken to cover that distance. The formula for velocity is velocity = distance/time. By performing this division, you will get the velocity at which an object is moving.

What is your velocity if you traveled 2000 m south in 400 seconds?

Velocity is distance/time. So, 2000/400 reduces to 5 m/s, but since velocity is a vector, direction MUST be stated along with the speed we just calculated. The final answer is 5 m/s South (or 270 degrees).

Velocity is defined as?

How speed and velocity differ?

Speed is the distance travelled in a given period of time and is measured in metres per second or miles per hour (ie 'distance' per 'unit of time'). It is always a positive number. Velocity, however,, is the sppeed of an object in a given direction. So that if you define ''forwards' as a positive velocity, then if the object travels 'backwards', that would be classed as a negative velocity. So, if a car travels forwards, say, at 30 mph, its speed will be 30mph and its velocity will also be 30mph. However, if the car returns at the same speed, its speed will still be 30mph but its velocity will be - 30mph (minus 30mph) as the car is travelling in the opposite direction. This may seem a pointless exercise, but in equations of motion that involve speed, velocity, accceleration, time and so on, the direction of travel is important and so the velocity is used rather than speed. The concept of velocity is used in space travel, satellite technology, calculating flight paths, calculating missile trajectories and so on and so direection of travel - and hence velocity - is of vital importance.