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"Rate of descent" is a speed; so the idea is to divide the distance by the time.

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Q: A hot air balloon descended 99.6 meters in 12 seconds what was the balloons average rate of descent in meters per second?
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Hot air balloons have a gas heater attached to them the pilot can turn the heater on the balloon and the balloon will go high why?

Hot air balloons work based on the principle of buoyancy. When the pilot turns on the gas heater, it heats the air inside the balloon, making it less dense than the surrounding air, causing the balloon to rise. As the balloon rises, the temperature and pressure decrease, which leads to an equilibrium where the balloon stops ascending.

How do hot air balloons descend?

Hot air balloons descend by releasing hot air from the balloon envelope, causing it to cool down and become denser. This decrease in density causes the balloon to descend slowly until it reaches the ground. Pilots control the rate of descent by manipulating the amount of heat in the balloon.

Why air balloon come down after some time?

Hot air balloons come down after some time because the air inside the balloon cools down. As the air cools, it becomes denser than the surrounding air, causing the balloon to descend back to the ground. Pilots can control the descent rate by adjusting the temperature of the air inside the balloon.

How does a balloon pilot control BOTH acsent and descent of a balloon?

A balloon pilot controls ascent by heating the air inside the balloon with a burner and descent by allowing the air to cool or venting it.

Why do hot air balloons have sand bags?

Sand bags are used in hot air balloons to help control the altitude of the balloon. By adjusting the amount of sand in the bags, the pilot can control the descent of the balloon by releasing sand to increase altitude or dropping sand to decrease altitude.

What does the principle of common descent imply about humans?

Apes and humans descended from the same common ancestor.

Why do hot air balloons have sandbags?

A hot air balloon needs to be slightly negatively bouyant. If a particular design can lift 1000lbs, an ideal flight weight might be 900 lbs so that, in the event of a burner failure, the balloon will slowly descend. If the payload for a given flight is only 600lbs (fuel, pilot, passengers) then 300 lbs of ballast (sandbags) will be needed to keep the bouyancy in the correct range. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sandbags or other ballast is used mostly for helium balloons, not hot air balloons. The rate of descent of a hot air balloon is controlled by the time the burners are burning. If it is going down too fast, you burn longer. You may have two burners but if you lose one, the other one can keep the balloon aloft. they are always much larger than needed. The design weight is based upon the volume of the balloon and a particular temperture of the air in the balloon which must be below the melting point of the fabric. Typically you don't need ballast to adjust payload in a hot air balloon. IN a helium balloon, the only way you can go back up after starting a descent (by dumping helium) is the drop some weight. So ballast would be helpful with helium balloons.

How would you show that air has weight?

One way to demonstrate that air has weight is by using a simple experiment involving balloons. Fill a balloon with air and weigh it on a scale, then deflate the balloon and weigh it again. You will find that the inflated balloon weighs more, showing that the air inside the balloon has weight.

What is descent with principle is it that states that living species are descended from ancient ones?

The principle of descent with modification states that living species have evolved from common ancestors over time through the mechanism of natural selection. This concept, proposed by Charles Darwin, explains how species adapt and diversify in response to changing environments. It is a fundamental idea in the theory of evolution.

Why do bigger balloons take longer to fall?

Bigger balloons displace more air, creating more resistance against gravity, which slows down their descent. This increased surface area-to-weight ratio also helps them generate more lift, further reducing their fall speed.

Why the balloon fall slow compare to ball?

Balloons fall slower than balls due to their larger surface area, which creates more air resistance that slows down their descent. The lightweight materials used in balloons also contribute to their slower fall. Meanwhile, balls are usually denser and have a smaller surface area, which allows them to fall more quickly.

Descent from - make sentence?

One AnswerJessica is descended from German and French roots. Another AnswerThe descent from the mountain top took half the time of the original climb. MY answerYour mom is a descent from China.