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Q: Why is a hellium balloon on the ceiling one day and on the floor the next?
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What is the difference between sound transmission class and impact insulation class?

Sound transmission class relates to airborne noise such as speech,T.V so on. It is the ability of a wall, ceiling, or floor/ceiling to reduce noise from rooms next door. While Impact Insulation Sound measures the ability of a floor or ceiling system to reduce noise resulting from impacts such as footsteps, falling objects and moving furniture. Impact noises easily travel from hard surfaces into the structure and to the room below.

What is an air condition drain alert?

If your A/C drain pan becomes full of condensate and the water cannot escape, it could overflow the catch pan and damage your floor and/or the ceiling of the next level down in your home or office.

Where is fifth balloon in dino domain for Diddy Kong racing n64?

there is a balloon next to the water fall when you go past the snow place you go down to the waterfall and then you go up the hill next to the giant log and there are three trees there the balloon is there.

Where is a carbon dioxide monitor to be mounted top of wall or next to floor?

Carbon Dioxide is heavier than air so the monitor will work best near the floor. However is your monitor for Carbon Dioxide or Carbon Monoxide. If the latter, CO detectors can be placed near the ceiling or near the floor because CO is very close to the same density as air.

Where is the travel balloon in spy island of poptropica?

it is next to the headquarters

Send a Balloon?

Deliver a balloon for your significant other on your anniversary or his or her next birthday. This is a unique way to show someone you care.

Where is the balloon so you can leave in astro knights?

next to the museum by the the knight

What is the surface of a room a by b by c?

Presuming that a room is a rectangular prism, with a solid floor, ceiling and walls, we have 6 rectangles which make up the surface area of the room. Since rectangular prism's are symmetrical, each side of the prism is identical to it's opposing side. Or in other words, if we say that the length of the floor is 'a', and the width of the floor is 'b', then the area of the floor is a * b, and the area of the ceiling is a * b. Thus we have that the surface area of the floor and ceiling combined is: 2 * a * b Next, notice that all 4 walls have the same height. Also notice that 2 of the walls run along the length of the floor, and the other 2 walls run along the width of the floor. If we say that the height of the walls is 'c', then we have that the surface area of the walls that run along the length of the floor is: 2 * a * c and the surface area of the walls that run along the width of the floor is: 2 * b * c If we add all of these together, then we have that the total surface area of the room is: 2 * a * b + 2 * a * c + 2 * b * c = 2 * (a*b + a*c + b*c)

What rhymes with next door?

The floor=)

Why does a balloon pop next to a heater?

When a balloon is exposed to heat from a heater, the air inside the balloon expands rapidly and creates more pressure than the balloon material can withstand, causing it to burst or pop. The increase in temperature causes the air molecules to move faster and push against the balloon walls with greater force.

Where is the hopper ball in the living room in XBox party Mansion?

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