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Odd question. A is the father. B is not a son, so B must be a daughter instead.

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Q: A is the father of B and B is not the son of A so what is the relationship between A and B?
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A father is 32 years old His son is 4 In how many years will the father be three times as old as his son What is the algerbraic equation for that?

The father is always 28 years older than his son so the equation can be written: (1) father = son + 28 at all times after birth at some point father is three times older than son so: (2) father = 3son So we can combine (1) and (2) equations as: 3son = son + 28 2son = 28 son = 14 so when the son is 14 the father is 28 years older which is 42 and 3 times older than 14.

There are 2 fathers and 2 kids but there are only 3 eggs but each person has an egg exsplain your answer?

The people are related as son, father, and grandfather (of the son). The father is also a son, so that there are two sons in the group of three people.

A father and son ages total 72 years The son is one-half as old as his father What is the age of each?

If X = the age of the son and Y = the age of the father, then X+Y=72, and X=(0.5)Y, therefore (0.5)Y + Y = 72, so (1.5)Y= 72, so Y=72/1.5 = 48 That means that Y=48, and therefore X=24 The father is 48 years old and the son is 24 years old.

When you reverse the digits of age of father you will get the age of son one year ago the age of father was twice that of son's age what are the current ages of father and son?

f = 10a + b so s = a + 10b; f - 1 = 2(s - 1) so f = 2s - 2 + 1 ie 2s - 1 ie 10a + b = 2a + 20b - 1 8a = 19b - 1, making a = 7 and b = 3. So Father is 73 and son is 37. (Last year f = 72, s = 36)

What is the meaning of the address of the lords prayer our father which art in heaven?

It is simply the way we Christians refer to God when we pray, I usually say Dear Heavenly father and so on. The Lords prayer was Jesus teaching us how to pray, we say God is the father, Jesus the son and then there's the holy spirit. So God is our father in Heaven

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A is B'S Father and B is not a son of A so what is the relationship between A and B?

a is obviously god because b is his child but not really.

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Obed was the son of Boaz and Ruth. He was the father of Jesse, who was the father of David. So Obed was David's grandfather.

What are the symbols in the father by Hugh garner?

Summary of Story: The Story is about a relationship between a boy and his father. Their relationship has drifted away from each other. But when an important event draws them together, the father realized what he has done wrong and what he has to do to save his relationship with his son.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Character Analysis: The Father: The father is an alcoholic. In this story he is portrayed as an insensitive boor who has poor judgment and constantly embarrasses his son. The father bases his thoughts and judgments on how other people would think of him. He thinks he knows his son Johnny the best, but he actually knows his son the least out of everybody. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Johnny: Johnny is an active boy who is shy around certain adults. He rarely expresses his feelings to his father, but rather to his mom. His relationship with his father made him a little left out because his friends' fathers usually play and work with each other.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Plot Analysis: Beginning of Story: In the beginning of the story, the father and his son was described and the relationship between the two were clarified. The boy had to go to a meeting with his dad in scouts, that was when.....--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Middle of the story: In the middle of the story, the son and his father were in the meeting. The father embarasses his son in front of the scouts master by saying how he would rather take his son to a burlesque show rather then coming with him to the meeting. Then when Johnny was presented an award, his father raises Johnny's hands up to the air like a referee. This causes the important turning point......---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------End of the story: At the end of the meeting, Johnny tells his father he did not want the award. When the father grabbed Johnny's arm and Johnny ran away, he knew the damage was done. The father realized he embarassed his son way too much in front of his peers. Then he realizes that everything that has happened to him was all his fault, and he wonders if he will ever fix his position in the relationship with his son again.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ever thought of these? How come Johnny's mother knew about the relationship between Johnny and his dad and she didn't do anything about it? Isn't family suppose to help each other out? ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- My thoughts/comments/opinions: I thought the story was really good. The author described the characters so realy it was like i was right there in the story with Johnny and his father. I would rate this story 9/10. I think the part when the father hold up his son's arms into the air like a referee was the biggest mistake he made. There was a thought I had when I was reading the book. If my father was like the father in this story, I would probably tell my friends and tell my mom to help me with the problem. Johnny didn't do anything at all to fix the relationship between his father and himself. So I think he should've done something to fix his position in his relationship between his father.

If alexs son is my sons father what are you to alex?

If I am male, then my son's father has to be me, so I am Alex. If I am female, then my son's father is my husband, so I am Alex's wife.

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Your brother's daughter's daughter is your great niece.

What is the relationship between the work of the Son and the work of the Spirit of God?

The Son is our Savior, the Way to GOD. The Holy Spirit is our tour guide so to speak, counselor.

What is the relationship between a father's cousin and his son?

always put your son first before a cousin,because he's a boy and he want that bond,relationship with him. he cant have that with his mom because he's a boy,and if you have never been in your son's life,and you have the chance to ,go for it,because you don't want ot regret it

A father is 32 years old His son is 4 In how many years will the father be three times as old as his son What is the algerbraic equation for that?

The father is always 28 years older than his son so the equation can be written: (1) father = son + 28 at all times after birth at some point father is three times older than son so: (2) father = 3son So we can combine (1) and (2) equations as: 3son = son + 28 2son = 28 son = 14 so when the son is 14 the father is 28 years older which is 42 and 3 times older than 14.

Who is your dad's cousin's son to you?

The son, or daughter, of your father's first cousin is your 2nd cousin. The son, or daughter, of your father's second cousins is your third cousin. The son, or daughter, of your father's third cousin is your fourth cousin. And so on.

Who is your father's cousin in relation to your son?

Your father's first cousin is your son's first cousin twice removed. Your father's second cousin is your son's second cousin, twice removed. And so forth...

Brothers and sisters you have none but that mans father is your fathers son?

The person in question is your son. Think about it this way: Who is "your father's son"? It's you, because you have no brothers or sisters. So, you just replace "your father's son" with "you", and the riddle now reads: "...that man's father is you." Simple.