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Q: A joint probability is a probability that measures the likelihood that two or more events will happen concurrently?
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What is events that have the same probability?

They are "events that have the same probability". Nothing more, nothing less.

What is mathematical probablitiy?

Mathematical probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with the measurement and analysis of uncertainty or randomness in various events or outcomes. It involves using mathematical models and formulas to determine the likelihood or chance of particular events occurring, based on known information and assumptions about the situation. Probability is often expressed as a number between 0 and 1, where 0 represents impossibility and 1 represents certainty.

What events are such that the occurrence of one does not change the probability of other events?

Independent events.

Is it true that two dependent events can have the same probability of occurring?

Yes, it is possible for two dependent events to have the same probability of occurring. The probability of an event is dependent on the outcomes of other events, and it is influenced by the relationship between these events. So, it is conceivable for two dependent events to have equal probabilities.

Can independent events exist in reality?

Yes. Independent events can exist in reality. Dependent events means that one event has had an effect on the other. For instance, if we look at the probability of someone going to the shops, and the probability of them buying an apple, the latter is clearly dependent on the former. Independent events are simply events that don't have this connection. The probability of one does not influence or predict the probability of the other. For instance, if I studied the probability of you going to see a film on a particular day, and the probability of someone in China getting a hole in one in golf, these are very clearly independent events.

Related questions

How are experimental probability and theorectical probability alike?

Both are measures of the likelihood of events.

What are the similarities of theoretical and empirical probability?

They are both measures of the likelihood of events whose outcome is not normally known.

How are experimental probability and theoretical proability alike?

Both are measures of the likelihood of events whose outcome is uncertain.

What does probability show us?

It shows us the likelihood of the occurrence of specified events.

What is the likelihood that particular events will occur?

The likelihood of an occurrence is called its probability.Other terms associated with probability are chance, risk, and possibility.

What is the similarities in theoretical and empirical probabilitys?

They are both measures of the likelihood of events.

What are the similarities of a theoretical and empirical probabilities?

They are both measures of the likelihood of specified events.

What is probability for middle school?

Probability is the area of mathematics that deals with the likelihood of events. The term probability indicates the likelihood of a given event occurring. A single event is a possible outcome of an experiment, such as drawing an ace from a deck of cards. A compound event is a combination of two or more single events, such as drawing an ace from a deck of cards four times in a row.

What Language is used to describe chance?

Probability theory, a branch of mathematics, is commonly used to describe chance or uncertainty. It provides a framework and language to study and quantify the likelihood of different outcomes or events occurring in a random or uncertain situation. The language of probability theory includes concepts such as probability, random variables, events, and probability distributions.

What do the laws of probability predict?

The laws of probability predict the likelihood of different outcomes occurring in a given situation. They provide a framework for understanding randomness and uncertainty by quantifying the chances of various events happening. Probability theory is used in many fields to make informed decisions based on the expected likelihood of different outcomes.

What number describes The likelyhood that certain events will occur?

Probability is the likelihood that a given event will occur. It is usually expressed as a number, i.e. 0.8 or 80%.

What is probability?

probably means that something or which is not sure . LIKE :- I PROBABLY GET THIS ANSWER RIGHT.