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Hm well you can use whole numbers. Now my boy do you get it? Get that brain working!

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Q: A method used to estimate a sum when all addends are close to the same value?
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What is a method used to estimate a sum when all addends are close to the same value?

ÃŒn that case you can multiply one of the addends, times the number of addends.

What is the name of a method used to estimate a sum when all addends are close to the same value?


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What can you say about your estimated sum when you decrease both addends when rounding to add?

When you decrease both addends when rounding to add, the estimated sum will also be decreased. Rounding down the addends will result in a smaller value for the estimated sum.

What do you call the number that is added to another number in an addition problem?

Numbers that are added are called addends or terms.

What was the method that aryabhatta used to estimate the pi value?

pi=3.141... C divided by D. Circumference of a circle divided by the diameter of a circle.

What word tells you that a measurement is an estimate?

"Approximate" is often used to indicate that a measurement is an estimate or close to the actual value.

How can estimation help to decide if answer to multiplication problem makes sense?

If the estimated value is very different from the calculated value then the answer is wrong. Unfortunately, it does not work the other way. An estimate can be close to the calculated value but the answer can still be wrong.

Salvage value by written down value method and straight line method?

The salvage value will always be more in the case of written down value method as compared to straight line method. Presently written down value methods are given importance.

Differentiate estimate and estimator?

It can get a bit confusing! The estimate is the value obtained from a sample. The estimator, as used in statistics, is the method used. There's one more, the estimand, which is the population parameter. If we have an unbiased estimator, then after sampling many times, or with a large sample, we should have an estimate which is close to the estimand. I will give you an example. I have a sample of 5 numbers and I take the average. The estimator is taking the average of the sample. It is the estimator of the mean of the population. The average = 4 (for example), this is my estmate.

How do you write an estimate range?

Estimate the minimum value, A. Estimate the maximum value, B. The estimated range is from A to B.