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Q: A numerical expression that sHow is repeated multiplication?
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What is used to show repeated multiplication?


What is numerical exspreesion?

Numerical has to do with numbers and expression is when you express something to the world so numbers show their expressions or something like that all i know is that numerical has something to do with numbers and expression is when you tell your feelings to someone

Use repeated multiplication to show exponent of 77?

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How do you use a power to show repeated multiplication?

The exponent shows how many times the number is being multiplied by itself. So if it's 10 to the power of 3 (which is 1000) ur are showing a shorter way of showing 10x10x10=1000.

Can you show a multiplication table?

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What does a dot in an equation mean?

A dot stands for multiplication. Ways to show multiplication: 10a 10 x a 10(a) 10 *dot* a

Can a spreadsheet only be used to show numerical data?


What is the way to show a lot of numerical data in a very small place?

A data table is the best way to show a lot of numerical data in a very small place.

What is the best way to show a lot of numerical data in a very small place'?

A data table is the best way to show a lot of numerical data in a very small place.

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What is the best way to show expression in a novel?

You show expression by action. Show the characters doing something that will give the reader what the character is expressing.