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Q: A person on a merry-go -round is constantly accelerating away from the center true or false?
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What are three real life examples of center of gravity?

a book falling, a person walking, and alot of things

How do you use the word center in a sentence?

She works out every morning at the fitness center near her home. He seldom volunteers answers in class because he hates to be the center of attention. The distance from the center to the edge of a circle is called the radius. The title belongs in the center of the page. The flower has purple petals and a yellow center. They have a beautiful swimming pool in the center of their yard. The issue of pay raises took center stage at the staff meeting. Why is my co-worker at the center of every workplace controversy? On a basketball team, the person who plays closest to the basket is the center. Most of the fighting is centered in the southern half of the country.

What does a maths compass do?

the compass of math is used in making arcs and circles. with the use of a compass, a person can draw an axact circle where the points on the circle are equidistant from the center.

What are White circles on the tongue that are red in the center?

White circles on the tongue could be many things. It could be mouth sores, it could be a geographic tongue, or it could be a reaction to something the person ate.

What does the term 'Victim of Abuse' mean?

A person that is constantly taking ridicule, being sworn at, told they are not good for much and their partner gives them no encouragement or doesn't hold them at the same level as they are is a victim just as much as someone mugging you. The same goes for physical abuse such as punching, hitting, throwing the person around the room, threatening with a weapon, etc. We don't always need physical wounds to be a victim of trauma.

Related questions

Is A person on a merry-go-round is constantly accelerating toward the center?

That's a true statement ... but not in the way you think. "Accelerating" is NOT necessarily the same thing as "speeding up".

A person on a merry go round is constantly accelerating toward the center true or false?

False. A person on a merry-go-round is not constantly accelerating towards the center. The person is experiencing centripetal acceleration, which is directed towards the center of the merry-go-round, but it is not a continuous increase in speed or velocity.

Is it true that A person on a merry go round is constantly accelerating away from the center?


When a person on merry go round is constantly accelerating through the center?

As the person on the merry-go-round accelerates through the center, they will experience a centripetal force directed towards the center of the merry-go-round. This force is responsible for keeping them moving in a circular path. If the acceleration is constant, the person will feel a consistent pull towards the center as they rotate around.

A person on a merry-go-round is constantly accelerating away from the center.?


Why do you always accelerate when you ride in a merry go round even though the speed of the merry go round does not change?

A person on a merry-go-round is constantly accelerating away from the center, because he is prevented by the horse or bench from continuing on a straight path. His velocity constantly changes in direction.

When person on a merry go round is constantly changing direction true or false?

True. On a merry-go-round, a person is constantly changing direction as the ride rotates. This is because the person is moving in a circular path, and the direction of their motion changes as they go around the center of the ride.

A person on a merry-go-round is constantly changing direction true or false?

True. A person on a merry-go-round is constantly changing direction as the ride rotates. The merry-go-round's circular motion causes the person to experience a continuous change in the direction they are facing. As the ride spins, the centripetal force acts on the person, pulling them towards the center of the circular path, leading to a constant change in their orientation.

Why is a person running around a circular track at a constant speed accelerating?

Even though the person is moving at a constant speed, they are changing direction constantly as they go around the track. Since acceleration is defined as any change in velocity, and velocity includes both speed and direction, the person running on a circular track is experiencing acceleration.

If a person is riding a bike and has not changed either speed or direction is that person accelerating?

No. they must be increasing speed to accelerate.

Is a jogger moving at a constant speed accelerating?

No, a jogger moving at a constant speed is not accelerating. Acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, so if the jogger's speed remains constant, there is no acceleration.

How do you know you still love a person?

When you constantly think of the person. When you wish to be around the person.