In some cultures you birthday is celebrated 9 months before you were borned into the world--when you were conceived
The probability that two persons share the same birth date can be calculated using the concept of the birthday paradox. In a group of 23 people, there is a probability of approximately 50% that two individuals share the same birth date. This probability increases as the number of people in the group increases due to the increasing number of possible pairs to compare. The calculation involves considering the complementary probability of no one sharing a birthday and subtracting it from 1 to find the probability of at least one shared birthday.
If you were born in 1985, and the current year is 2022, then you would be 37 years old.
The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.The exact date and year of his birth is not known.
First, you need to give a date of birth
In 2010 on the date of your birth, your remains, if any, would turn 174 years old.
65 years after your date of birth
The date of birth should not be incorrect on an arrest warrant. A persons date of birth, social security number, and description are key pieces of information needed for an arrest warrant. However, if your social security number and description are correct, human-error on your date of birth may not totally squash an arrest warrant. I've seen warrants where a persons date of birth is 01/05/1970 and the warrant listed 05/01/1970, but the social security, and physical descriptions were dead on.
Tara gaydon's birth date was July 9 1998 She is 13 years old
24 years
Around 3,000 years old. No exact birth date for the city of Greece.
Russell Howard's date of birth is 23rd March 1980. This makes him currently 30 years old.
yes,gaians will see your birth date. you can get an achievement for logging in on your birthday.your birthday can also tell how old you are,or get in years .For example, 11 years old.
Morgan Freeman is 80 years old (birth date: June 1, 1937).
November 22,1990.He is 13 years old.=]
54 years old Birth date: february 17
he is 17 years old birth date 1995
Personaly, i'd say date of birth. Both ways are correct, though