

Best Answer

T= Time, h=height, g= gravity

Formula T=Sqr.rt (2h/g)




1. .350=Sqr.rt(2h/9.8) (raise both sides to the second power)

2. .350^2=Sqr.rt(2h/9.8)^2 ( this will equal to)

3. .1225=2h/9.8 ( multiply both sides by 9.8)

4. 1.2005=2h (divide both sides by 2)

5. .60025=h (answer)

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Q: A physics book slides off a horizontal table top with a speed of 1.10 ms It strikes the floor in 0.350 s Ignore air resistance Find the height of the table top above the floor?
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A ball is thrown straight up from the edge of the roof of a buildinga second ball is dropped from 1sec later ignore air resistance?

... and what is the question? The second ball should arrive at the floor a second after the first, both should have the same speed.

How long would it take a water balloon to drop 200 feet?

if you ignore air resistance, it would take about 3.5 seconds; at ttat point where it hits the ground it is traveling at 75 mph. Because of the air drag, it may take a bit longer to hit the ground.

What is a 4 dimensional figure?

There is no such thing as a 4 dimensional figure. Three dimensional objects are measured in length, width, and height. In physics the 4th dimension is used as time when discussing relativistic consequences. But how do you draw 'time'? If you do then you ignore at least one of the other dimension (length, width, or height) and use time in its place.

A cannonball is fired straight up at 50 ms Neglecting air resistance when it returns to its starting point its speed is?

50m/s. The kinetic energy (movement energy) of the ball when it leaves the gun is gradually converted into gravitational potential energy as it moves up and slows down. Eventually it reaches its highest point and stops. It has zero kinetic energy, all the energy has been converted into gravitational potential. The ball then starts to fall under gravity. The gravitational potential energy is converted back into kinetic energy. No energy is lost so the ball arrives back where it started with the same kinetic energy it left with or to put it another way at the same speed it left. If you do not ignore air resistance it arrives back a bit slower and the physics gets much much more complicated..........

How do you check the spelling in more than one sheet of a multiple-sheet workbook?

Go to edit, grammer check, then choose ignore all, if you want to ignore all.

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Does the horizontal motion affect the vertical motion of a projectile?

No, horizontal motion does not affect the vertical motion of a projectile. The two components of motion (horizontal and vertical) are independent of each other in the absence of external forces such as air resistance. The vertical motion is governed by gravity, while the horizontal motion remains constant.

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The horizontal velocity of a ball remains constant after it rolls off a table if we assume no horizontal forces act on the ball. This is due to the principle of inertia: an object in motion will remain in motion at a constant velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

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The horizontal component of velocity remains constant because there are no horizontal forces acting on the projectile (in the absence of air resistance). The vertical component changes due to the force of gravity, which accelerates the projectile downwards.

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If you ignore air resistance, then they will reach their maximum height at the same time. In order not to ignore air resistance, you would need to know their shapes.

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Slaves sometimes engaged in successful strikes to demand better working conditions, wages, or to push for their freedom. These strikes could disrupt plantation operations, making it economically unsustainable for owners to ignore the demands of the slaves. Additionally, public attention and pressure from abolitionists could also influence the outcome of these strikes.

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The horizontal velocity of a thrown object is independent of its vertical velocity. This means that an object can be thrown horizontally with a certain speed, while also being affected by gravity vertically. The two motions are separate and do not directly influence each other.

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The maximum speed of a fired projectile, unless fired downward in a vacuum, is the muzzle velocity - this is when the propulsive acceleration ceases. Ignoring air resistance, the projectile would maintain its horizontal velocity, while gravity would first reduce then restore the vertical component. Terminal velocity, the maximum possible atmospheric speed, is determined by mass, gravity, air density, and projectile shape, as gravitic acceleration is slowed by air resistance.

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In projectile motion, the only acceleration acting on the object is in the vertical direction due to gravity. This causes the vertical component of velocity to change over time while the horizontal component remains constant since there is no acceleration acting in the horizontal direction.