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Q: A plane is traveling 20 meters in 1 second What is it speed?
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395000 meters/9000 seconds is 43.889 meters/second

A jet plane traveling at a speed of 82 miles per hour is traveling at what speed in meters per second?

Apart from the fact that a jet plane would stall at that low a speed, the speed is equivalent to 36.657 metres per sec

What is the speed in meters per second of a ship traveling at twenty knots?

10.2888888 is the speed in meters per second of a ship traveling at 20 knots.

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6.32766667 meters per second ==

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The speed of 15.0 knots is equivalent to approximately 7.72 meters per second.

What is it called if an object is traveling and its speed does not change?

constan velocity (is measured in meters per second)

What is the speed of a plane travels 528 meters in 4 second?

528 ÷ 4 = 132 kilometres per second.

A car is traveling with a constant velocity of 33 meters per second due east What is it's speed?

The car is traveling at a speed of 33 meters per second.

If a planes initial speed is 0 meters per second and is accelerated at 15 meters per second squared what is its speed for 0-10?

The speed of the plane after 10 seconds of acceleration at 15 m/sĀ² would be 150 meters per second. This is calculated by multiplying the acceleration (15 m/sĀ²) by the time (10 seconds).

What is the speed of a car traveling 88 meters in 11 seconds?

Just divide the distance by the time. The answer, of course, is in meters/second (meters per second). If you want to convert this to kilometers per hour, multiply the number of meters/second by 3.6.

What is the speed of sound traveling through the air at room temperature?

In dry air, at 20°C, the speed of sound is 343 meters/second.

How do you calculate meters per second?

Speed=Distance/ Time For example: You go 40 meters in 10 seconds. 40/10= 4. So you would be traveling at 4 meters per second.