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Let the speed of the train be x km/hr, so the speed of the plane is (100 + x) km/hr.
Since the time (t in hours) of the traveling is the same for both of them, we have:

(100 + x)t = 500
xt = 300 where

t = 500/(100 + x)
t = 300/x so that

500/(100 + x) = 300/x (cross multiply)

500x = 300(100 + x)
500x = 30,000 + 300x (subtract 300x to both sides)
200x = 30,000 (divide by 200 to both sides)
x = 150

Thus, the speed of the train is 150 km/hr, and the plane speed is 250 km/hr.

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Q: A plane travel 100 kph faster than a train the plane covers 500 km in the same time that train coves 300 km find the speed of each one?
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