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The kinetic energy of an object varies as the square of its velocity (Kinetic energy = mv2/2). So a plane with the same mass travelling at 3 times the velocity will have 9 times the kinetic energy.

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Q: If the same model plane travel 3 times faster than the same model airplane what is the kinetic energy of the faster plane?
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One characteristic of kinetic energy is that it depends on an object's mass and velocity. The greater the object's mass and the faster it is moving, the higher its kinetic energy will be.

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No, kinetic energy does not require a medium to travel through. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion possessed by an object, and it is a property of the object itself. This means that kinetic energy can exist and be transferred from one object to another without the need for a medium.

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How do you use kinetic energy in sentence?

Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object in motion. For example, a moving car has kinetic energy that enables it to travel from one place to another. By harnessing kinetic energy, we can generate power through methods like wind turbines or hydroelectric dams.

How can energy be kinetic?

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You get to your destination faster.

What travels faster airplanes or speed of sound?

Airplanes travel faster than the speed of sound. The speed of sound at sea level is around 767 mph (1,235 km/h), while commercial airplanes can reach speeds of over 600 mph (965 km/h) and military jets can exceed the speed of sound, reaching supersonic speeds.