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Q: A population that has a normal distribution of the range of heights has many individuals who are?
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The normal curve would represent the distribution of?

American women in terms of their physical heights.

Is it possible for sample not normal to be from normal population?

Yes. You could have a biased sample. Its distribution would not necessarily match the distribution of the parent population.

When the population standard deviation is known the sampling distribution is a?

normal distribution

The distribution of phenotypes for a typical polygenic trait can often be expressed as?

a bell-shaped curve known as a normal distribution. This distribution shows the range of phenotypes in a population, with most individuals clustering around the average phenotype and fewer individuals at the extremes of the distribution.

When the population standard deviation is known the sampling distribution is known as what?

normal distribution

What does it mean to have a normal distribution of data?

The Normal or Gaussian distribution is a probability distribution which depends on two parameters: the mean and the variance (or standard deviation). In may real life situations measurements are found to be approximately normal. Furthermore, even if the underlying distribution of a variable is not normal, the mean of a number of repeated observations of the variable will approximate the normal distribution.The term "approximate" is important because, although the heights of adult males (for example) appear to be normally distributed, the true normal distribution must allow negative heights whereas that is not physically possible!

When a population distribution is right skewed is the sampling distribution normal?

No, as you said it is right skewed.

What kinds of things follow the normal distribution?

heights of peoplesize of things produced by machineserrors in measurementsblood pressuremarks on a test

What is the meaning of normal distribution with examples?

According to the Central Limit Theorem, if you take measurements for some variable from repeated samples from any population, the mean values have a probability distribution which is known as the Gaussian distribution. Because of the fact that it is found often it is also called the Normal distribution. It is a symmetric distribution which is fully determined by two parameters: the mean and variance (or standard deviation). It is also sometimes referred to as the bell curve although I have yet to see a bell that stretches out at its bottom towards infinity!The normal distribution can be used for the heights or masses of people, for examination scores.

Intelligence scores follow what kind of distribution?

The IQs of a large enough population can be modeled with a Normal Distribution

What are features of a population which follows normal distribution?

Height, weight, IQ,

What does it mean for a population to be normally distributed?

A Gaussian distribution is the "official" term for the Normal distribution. This is a probability density function, of the exponential family, defined by the two parameters, its mean and variance. A population is said to be normally distributed if the values that a variable of interest can take have a normal or Gaussian distribution within that population.