It is a counting number.
It is a positive whole number or integer
A whole number.
A whole positive or negative number is an integer which has no decimals or fractions.
There are no such numbers, because every number has a decimal representation. But you can have photo negatives and photo positives which will have no fractions or decimals.
It is a counting number.
It is a positive whole number or integer
Whole numbers are positive numbers and there are no fractions or decimals.
A whole number.
A whole positive or negative number is an integer which has no decimals or fractions.
Yes, 102 is a whole number. Whole numbers are all the positive integers from 0 upwards, including zero and all the positive integers without any fractions or decimals. In this case, 102 is a positive integer without any fractions or decimals, so it falls under the category of whole numbers.
There are no such numbers, because every number has a decimal representation. But you can have photo negatives and photo positives which will have no fractions or decimals.
An integer is a whole number without decimals or fractions
Integers can be negative or positive numbers providing that they are whole numbers without decimals or fractions.
Honey, a whole number is just a fancy way of saying a number without any fractions or decimals. So, if you see a number like 2.2020020002 prancing around with all those decimals, it's definitely not a whole number. Stick with good ol' 2 if you want to keep it simple.
A whole number without fractions or decimals
An integer is a whole number without fractions or decimals