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Q: A program for simple factorial in prolog?
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What program does prolog belong to?

Prolog does not belong to any program, it is a programming language.

What has the author Tom Conlon written?

Tom Conlon has written: 'Start problem-solving with Prolog' -- subject(s): Prolog (Computer program language) 'Learning Micro-PROLOG' -- subject(s): Micro-PROLOG (Computer program language)

Controlling program flow strings of prolog?

In prolog, you dont control the flow. The flow controls you.

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Helder Coelho has written: 'Prolog by example' -- subject(s): Prolog (Computer program language)

In what year did the computer program Prolog appear?

The innovative computer program Prolog associated with artificial intelligence and computational linguistics first appeared in 1975. It was one of the first logic programming languages.

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Robert M. Colomb has written: 'Implementing persistent Prolog' -- subject(s): Prolog (Computer program language)

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Nigel. Ford has written: 'Javascript for the Intelligent Web Site' 'PROLOG programming' -- subject(s): Prolog (Computer program language)

What is the value of 0 factorial?

Zero factorial, written as 0!, equals 1. This is a simple math equation.

What has the author Dennis Merritt written?

Dennis Merritt has written: 'Building expert systems in Prolog' -- subject(s): Expert systems (Computer science), Prolog (Computer program language)

What is the purpose of prolog?

purpose prolog

What has the author Fernando C N Pereira written?

Fernando C. N. Pereira has written: 'Prolog and natural-language analysis' -- subject(s): Computational linguistics, Prolog (Computer program language)

C program to find factorial of a no?

this is a code for calculating it recursivelly: float Factorial (float n) { if (n<=1) return 1.0; else return n* Factorial(n-1); }