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Another rational expression.

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A rational expression multiplied by another rational expression is a rational expression?


What fraction having rational expression in its numerator or denominator or both?

If you divide a rational expression by another rational expression, you will again get a rational expression.

What is subtraction of rational expressions?

another rational expression.

What is rational algebra expression?

Basically, a rational expression is one that can be written as one polynomial, divided by another polynomial.

Examples of definition of rational algebraic expression?

A rational algebraic expression is the ratio of two algebraic expressions. That is, one algebraic expression divided by another. It is important that the domain is defined in such a way the the rational expression does not involve division by 0.

Is a rational number is a rational expression?

Any number that can be expressed as a fraction is a rational number otherwise it is an irrational number.

What is a another expression meaning the replacing of superstition and faith with logic and science?

Rational thinking.

What is the rational expression of 1 divided by 3z plus 5?

The expression written in the question is the rational expression.

What is the value of the rational expression x plus 4 divided by 4 minus x?


What is equal to the rational expression below when x 2 or 3?

I can see no rational expression below.

factor 21x + 16?

The expression is not factorable with rational numbers.

Why is the denominator set to zero to graph a rational expression?

When the denominator is equal to zero, the expression is undefined. Close to those places, the expression tends towards plus infinity, or minus infinity. In other words, setting the denominator to zero will tell you where there are vertical asymptotes.