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with all sides equal (congruent) AND all angles equal (congruent).

In these circumstnces the adjective "convex" is redundant.

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Q: A regular polygon is defined to be a convex polygon with all sides?
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What is defined to be a convex polygon with congruant sides and angles?

It is a regular polygon.

A regular polygon is defined to be a convex polygon with all sides and all angles?

congruent; congruent

What is a convex polygon with congruent sides and congruent angels?

That is called a regular polygon.

Is a pentagon convex?

A regular pentagon is convex. By taking a regular pentagon and shortening or lengthening one or more sides, an infinite number of possible convex pentagons can be created. A convex polygon is defined as a polygon such that all internal angles are less than or equal to 180 degrees, and a line segment drawn between any two vertices remains inside the polygon. It is possible to have non-convex (concave) pentagons; there are infinite number possible ways to do this, too.

A polygon whose sides all have the same length is said to be?

A regular polygon.

A regular polygon is a convex polygon with all sides congruent and all angles congruent?


Is A regular polygon is a convex polygon with all sides congruent and all angles congruent?


What is a convex polygon with all sides congruent and all angles congruent?

A convex polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles is a regular polygon.Some regular pilgrims have specific names: Equilateral triangle and square

A regular polygon is defined to be what type of polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles?

The answer is in your question it is defined to be a regular polygon as for example an equilateral triangle

Can a regular polygon be concave or convex?

no it cannot , because a regular polygon is a shape with equal sides, and for it to be concave or convex some sides have to jut out or in See related link below for more information

What are the similarities between regular polygon and a concave polygon?

A regular polygon is a special kind of convex polygon - one in which all the sides are of the same length and all the angles are equal. Convex and concave polygons form disjoint sets: so no concave polygon can be regular.

What the interior and exterior of a polygon with 15 sides?

Whatever you like. There is nothing in the question that requires the polygon to be convex, not regular.