It is an equilateral polygon. It is not a regular polygon. For the polygon to be regular, it is not enough for the sides to be congruent: all the angles need to be congruent as well.
It would be an irregular polygon that has not congruent sides and angles
It's equilateral !!! A polygon with all sides congruent is equilateral.
It is called an irregular polygon. However, an irregular polygon can have congruent sides if all angles are not equal.
Not necessarily. A convex heptagon is a polygon but it need not have all sides and angles congruent.
A convex polygon with congruent sides and congruent angles is a regular polygon.Some regular pilgrims have specific names: Equilateral triangle and square
congruent; congruent
with all sides equal (congruent) AND all angles equal (congruent). In these circumstnces the adjective "convex" is redundant.
It could. If it is a regular polygon then all sides and angels are the same.
That's a "regular" polygon. We're suspecting that if all of the sides are congruent, then that's enough to guarantee that the angles are also all equal.
That doesn't have a special name. If all the angles are also congruent (and convex), then it is called a regular polygon.
Convex polygons with congruent sides and congruent angles are called regular polygons.
A polygon with five congruent sides is a pentagon.