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genetic drift

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Q: A result of chance events in evolution is called?
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What is it called when evolution that occurs as a result of chance events like catastrophe?

genetic drift

Are genes responsible for evolution?

Evolution is the result of a process called survival of the fittest. Genes are part of the mechanism by which this happens.

What is the gradual development of new organisms from preexisting organisms called?

The gradual development of new organisms from preexisting organisms is called evolution. This process involves genetic changes and adaptations over generations that result in the diversity of life on Earth.

What is nonbranching evolution?

Nonbranching evolution refers to a pattern of evolution where a lineage undergoes relatively little diversification over time, with descendants closely resembling their ancestors. It is characterized by limited speciation events and minimal branching of lineages. This can result in a linear or unbranched evolutionary trajectory.

Is natural selection a cause of evolution?

No, natural selection is believed to result in evolution.

Which aspects of life on earth are accounted by evolution?

All life is the result of evolution.

What is a macro evolution?

Micro-evolution is not only a part of macro-evolution, it is the same mechanism as macro-evolution. Macro-evolution includes speciation, as a result of continuing micro-evolution.

Evolution suggests that the life we see today developed by chance.?

Evolution is not simply a result of chance, but rather a process driven by natural selection and genetic variation over time. It is a gradual and non-random change in species that leads to better adaptability to their environment. Random mutations may occur, but it is natural selection that determines which traits are advantageous and will be passed on to future generations.

Scientists do their experimental test more than once so they can reduce the effects of chance errors This is called?

This is called replication. By repeating experiments multiple times, scientists can assess the reliability of their findings and reduce the impact of random variability or chance errors.

The hypothesis that evolution occurred slowly but steadily is called?

The hypothesis that evolution occurred slowly but steadily is called gradualism. This theory suggests that small, incremental changes accumulated over long periods of time to result in the diversity of life we see today.

Do evolution stop?

No. Evolution is the change in allele frequency over time in a population of organisms. This may be the result of stabilizing selection, but is still evolution.

What genetic change is always a result of evolution?

Evolution is not a cause of genetic change: it is the effect of genetic change.