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genetic drift

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Q: What is it called when evolution that occurs as a result of chance events like catastrophe?
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A result of chance events in evolution is called?

genetic drift

How does chance play a role in evolution?

Chance plays a role in evolution through genetic variation, which arises randomly through mutations and genetic recombination. These variations can influence an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment, leading to natural selection. Additionally, random events like natural disasters and ecological changes can also impact the direction of evolution.

What is it called when random evolution that occurs in a small separate subpopulation?

This is known as genetic drift. It refers to the random changes in allele frequencies that can occur within a small population due to chance events.

What is south Texas brush country catastrophe events?

catastrophic events for south texas brush country

Where do you get lab map pieces on neopets event wise?

Randomly, that is why they are called random events. To encrease ur chance of random events get premium

Does the catastrophe have weather geologic or humans?

Catastrophes can have various causes, including extreme weather events (such as hurricanes or droughts), geological events (such as earthquakes or volcanic eruptions), and human activities (such as industrial accidents or wars). The specific cause of a catastrophe can vary depending on the situation.

What is the correct sequence of events leading to evolution?


When is genetic drift an important factor in evolution?

Genetic drift is an important factor in evolution when small populations experience random fluctuations in allele frequencies due to chance events. This can lead to the loss of genetic diversity and fixation of certain alleles, impacting the overall genetic makeup of the population. Genetic drift is particularly significant in small, isolated populations or during founder events.

Is evolution chance or necessity?

Evolution involves both elements of chance and necessity. Chance events like mutations generate genetic variation, providing the raw material for natural selection to act on. Necessity comes in when certain traits provide an advantage in specific environments, leading to those traits becoming more common in a population over time.

Does catastrophe have weather or geologic or humans cause?

Catastrophes can be caused by a variety of factors, including weather-related events like hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods, geological events such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, as well as human activities like accidents, pollution, and wars. The specific cause of a catastrophe depends on the circumstances surrounding it.

What is the likelihood that particular events will occur?

The likelihood of an occurrence is called its probability.Other terms associated with probability are chance, risk, and possibility.

Events of a story?

beginning- introduce characters, problem. middle- problems consequences so usually big catastrophe! end- solution