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After 3.5 seconds of free-fall on or near the surface of the Earth, (ignoring effects

of air resistance), the vertical speed of an object starting from rest is

g T = 3.5 g = 3.5 x 9.8 = 34.3 meters per second.

With no initial horizontal component, the direction of such an object's velocity

when it hits the ground is straight down.

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Q: A rock is dropped from a height of 60 m and is in a free fall what is the velocity of the rock as it reaches the ground 3.5 seconds later?
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What is the velocity of a ball in meters per second that drops from a roof and the speed was at 3.03 seconds?

If the ball was dropped from a roof and hit the ground 3.03 seconds later, then when it hit the groundits velocity was 29.694 meters (97.42 feet) per second (rounded) downward.

If a ball is dropped from a balloon that is 640 feet above the ground and rising at a rate of 48 feet per second find the time the ball is in the air and the speed of the ball when it hits the ground?

Let v be the velocity when the ball is at 640 feets going downwards v = 48 feet /sec let the velocity with which it reaches the ground be u then, u2=v2+2gh g = acc due t ogravity in feet/sq.sec h = 640 feet the time taken to reach the ground = time to return to 640ft + the time to fall from there Time taken to get to the ground is 8 seconds. Final velocity is 208 feet per second downwards

What would be the change in velocity for a 10 gram object dropped from the roof of a 20 meter building if it takes 2 seconds to reach the ground Hint acceleration due to gravity is 98 ms²?

In two seconds of fall, the speed increases 19.6 meters (64.4 feet) per second. The magnitude of velocity increases by that amount, while the direction of velocity doesn't change.

A child drops a ball from a window. The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds. What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

A child drops a ball from a window. The ball strikes the ground in 3.0 seconds. What is the velocity of the ball the instant before it hits the ground?

What would be the change in velocity for a 10 gram object dropped from the roof of a 20 meter building if it takes 2 seconds to reach the ground Hint acceleration due to gravity is 9.8 ms²?

Acceleration = (change in velocity) / (time for the change)9.8 = (change in velocity) / (2 seconds)9.8 x 2 = change in velocity = 19.6 meters per second .Hint: The mass of the object and the height of the building are there just tothrow you off balance. You don't need either of them to answer the question.

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A rock is dropped from a height of 60 m and is in free fall. What is the velocity of the rock as it reaches the ground 3.5 seconds later?

The velocity of the rock as it reaches the ground after 3.5 seconds of free fall can be calculated using the equation v = gt, where v is the final velocity, g is the acceleration due to gravity (approximately 9.81 m/s^2), and t is the time in seconds. Substituting the values, v = 9.81 m/s^2 * 3.5 s = 34.335 m/s. So, the velocity of the rock as it reaches the ground is approximately 34.34 m/s.

What is the velocity of a ball that has a 3.03 second hit to the ground?

To calculate the velocity of the ball, we need to know the height from which it was dropped. If the ball was dropped from rest, we can use the formula for free fall motion: velocity = (acceleration due to gravity * time). Assuming the acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s^2, the velocity of the ball hitting the ground after 3.03 seconds would be around 29.7 m/s.

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The velocity of an object will increase as it falls towards the ground due to the acceleration of gravity. However, once it reaches terminal velocity, its velocity will remain constant.

What is the velocity of a ball in meters per second that drops from a roof and the speed was at 3.03 seconds?

If the ball was dropped from a roof and hit the ground 3.03 seconds later, then when it hit the groundits velocity was 29.694 meters (97.42 feet) per second (rounded) downward.

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If a rock is dropped and a ball is thrown horizontally at the same initial elevation Which will have the greater speed when it reaches ground level?

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The velocity of the tomato when it hits the ground will be determined by its initial velocity, the force of gravity acting upon it, and any air resistance. It will likely be accelerating towards the ground due to gravity until it reaches its terminal velocity upon impact.

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is constantly decreasing until it reaches zero when she reaches terminal velocity. At that point, her acceleration is zero and she falls at a constant speed, experiencing air resistance equal in magnitude to her weight.

If a ball is dropped from a balloon that is 640 feet above the ground and rising at a rate of 48 feet per second find the time the ball is in the air and the speed of the ball when it hits the ground?

Let v be the velocity when the ball is at 640 feets going downwards v = 48 feet /sec let the velocity with which it reaches the ground be u then, u2=v2+2gh g = acc due t ogravity in feet/sq.sec h = 640 feet the time taken to reach the ground = time to return to 640ft + the time to fall from there Time taken to get to the ground is 8 seconds. Final velocity is 208 feet per second downwards