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1, 4, 7, 10, 13, …

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Q: A sequence of numbers was generated using the rule 3N minus 2 where n represents a numbers position in the sequence. Write a sequence that fits this rule?
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It is a sequence of numbers that represents how many spheres you would have in a pyramid of different heights.

What is a index of a number sequence?

It is the counter that tells you the position of the numbers in the sequence: the first, second and so on.

What is the dodging number?

Dodging numbers may be missing numbers in a sequence. For example, the underscore in the following sequence represents such a number: 2, 4, _ , 8, 10.

How are the numbers in the Fibonacci sequence generated?

-- Start with 0, 1 . -- Each term is then the sum of the two terms before it.

What is 3 23 23 10 50?

It is a sequence of 5 numbers. The numbers could be the start of the sequence generated by the polynomial: Un = (59n4 - 562n3 + 1657n2 - 1442n + 360)/24 for n = 1, 2, 3, ...

What is the algebraic expression for 11 13 15?

The algebraic expression for the given series of numbers is "2n + 9", where n represents the position of the term.

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What is a sequence in a math subject?

A sequence is a set of numbers, which are identified by their position in the set. That is to say, there is a function mapping the counting numbers {1, 2, 3, ... } to the set. The counting numbers may include 0. There may or may not be a rule governing the numbers. For example, a random sequence, by definition, should have no rule.

What is the sum of the first 64 terms of the binary sequence?

A binary sequence is a sequence of [pseudo-]randomly generated binary digits. There is no definitive sum because the numbers are random. The sum could range from 0 to 64 with a mean sum of 32.

What is a constant interval?

An interval that remains the same throughout a sequence

What is the next numbers in the sequence of 27 64?

There are infinitely many possible answers. Virtually any function can be made to pass through 2 points. 101, for example, if the sequence is generated by Un = 37*n - 10

What is difference between natural key and surrogate key?

Surrogate Key: Surrogate keys are keys that have no "business" meaning and are solely used to identify a record in the table. Such keys are either database generated (example: Identity in SQL Server, Sequence in Oracle, Sequence/Identity in DB2 UDB etc.) or system generated values (like generated via a table in the schema). Natural Key: Keys are natural if the attribute it represents is used for identification independently of the database schema. What this basically means is that the keys are natural if people use them example: Invoice-Numbers, Tax-Ids, SSN etc.