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Q: A shape that has no face edge base or corner?
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How many edges faces and vertice in cone have?

Well it has one edge, one face, one base(the face that the shape sits on), and one vertice.

Sides and vertices?

sides are the face of a 3d shape and verticies are the corner of the shape

What do call a side of a face of a shape?

you call it a edge

What shape his 1 face and no edge and no vertices?

A sphere !

What had no face no edge and only one face?

It sounds like the shape of a sphere

What is a face and a base?

The bottom or (Base) of a shape. Example...

What is one side of a face on a 3d shape called?

An edge.

A line segment on the boundary of a face?

That would be an edge of the shape.

What shape has 1 flat face and 1 edge?

An ellipse.

What shape has face's edge's vertexes?

A polyhedron as for example a pyramid

What shape has 1 flat face 1 edge and no vertices?

A circle, ellipse or similar shape.

What shape has one face one edge and zero corners?

A circle?