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A polyhedron as for example a pyramid

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Q: What shape has face's edge's vertexes?
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What shape has 5 faces 6 vertexes 9 edges?

It is a triangular prism that has 5 faces. 6 vertices and 9 edges

How many vertexes faces and edges does a square pyramid have?

5 vertexes, 4 faces, and 8 edges

How many edges faces and vertexes does a pentagonal prism have?

Edges: 15 Faces: 7 Vertices: 10 Vertexes: None, since there is no such word!

What 3D shape has 8 triangular faces and twelve edges and 6 vertexes?

A quadrilateral based dipyramid.

How many faces vertexes edges does a cylinder have?

Faces: 2 circular, 1 curved rectangular. Vertices (not vertexes!): None Edges: 2 circular.

How many vertexes edges and faces are in a hexagonal prism?

Vertices = 12 Edges = 18 Faces = 8

How many corners does a shape with 4 equivalent equilateral triangular?

A tetrahedron has four vertexes and four faces and six edges.

Do all polyhedrons have more edges than vertexes?

Yes. to add to that a vertex must be connected to at least 3 edges to be 3d, an edge is always connected to 2 vertexes, so the closest the two can ever be is vetexes x 3 = edges x 2, but when working with any platonic solid you can follow this: vertexes x (faces / vertexes) x [edges on one side] = edges x 2 or vertexes x [faces meeting at one vertex] = edges x 2 when working with any other polyhedron [vertexes with x amount of faces] x (x) + [vertexes with y amount of faces] x (y) ...{and so on} = edges x 2

How many faces edges and vertexes does a slender have?

Slender is not a polyhedron.

How many edges vertexes and faces does a hexagonal pyramid have?

A hexagonal pyramid has 12 edges, 7 vertices and 7 faces.

What shape has 6 vertexes and 5 faces and 9 edges?

A triangular dipyramid - two triangular pyramids stuck together.

If you have 20 vertexes and 30 edges how many faces do you have?

According to the Euler characteristic for polyhedra, V + F = E + 2 where V = Vertices (not vertexes), F = Faces and E = Edges. So F = 12