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Q: A single point is about how many inch in height?
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How many inch penis of 6 feet height man?

There is no direct relationship to the height, and different men of the same height will have penises of different sizes.

How many points in an inch of type?

You need to make capital letters an inch high, and you need to know the point size, correct? The answer is, it depends on the font.Look at these three letters:WxyThere are two measurements most type has: point size and x-height. Point size, in our example, is from the top of the W to the bottom of the descender of the y. x-height is what it sounds like. Some fonts, like Machine, don't have minuscule letters so there's no x-height for them.In other words, a 72-point capital letter won't be an inch high because that 72 points takes into account descenders.To make inch-high letters, draw two horizontal guides an inch apart, type your text with the baseline on the bottom one, then scale up the type until it touches the top one.

What is the difference between universal inch and a square inch?

Sq inch = width X height (as in how many SI in a window glass) UI = Width + height (this is a measurement often used for costing replacement window units instead of Sq")

How many points are an inch?

If you mean points as in character sizes.. 72 point is one inch.

How much does a 55 inch child weigh?

Height does not determine weight. Many children of the same height will vary greatly in weight.

Toms height is 5 feet 1 inch how many inches tall is he?

61 inches

How many gallons of water is in a 65 inch diameter and 14.5 in height?

About 208.292013 gallons of water.

How many centimeters are in a point?

0. A point has 0 dimensions, no length, width nor height.

What is the ideal height for Asians?

There is no single ideal height for Asians. The variety of cultures, diets, social norms and genetic backgrounds is tremendous. How could there be a single ideal height for Hmong, Manchurians, Japanese, and many more - it is not reasonable.

How many altitudes equal in the parallelogram?

The single altitude of a parallelogram is its perpendicular height

How many point do you have in waight watchers?

You have to check your height and weight to determine that.

How many inch by inch bricks are need to build a walk feet wide and feet long?

A single layer will require 144 bricks.