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Q: How many steps are required for an eighteen inch high platform?
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High paying jobs for workers under eighteen?

There are minimal high paying jobs for workers under eighteen years. This is mainly due to the fact that they do not have the qualifications and experience required for such jobs and can only work on entry levels.

How high is an Olympic high dive platform from platform to pool?

3m Springboard is 3m 5m springboard is 5m 10m Platform is 10m

Emancipating your 18 year old still in high school?

An eighteen year old that is still in high school does not have to be emancipated. According to the law, a person that is the age of eighteen is a legal adult.

Do you start college when you are eighteen?

Many people start college straight out of high school. For the majority of students, that is eighteen years of age.

What is a good sentence with platform?

The platform is high enough to challenge even the most daring of divers. The party's platform is well-known.

If you eighteen can you play high school sports?

I think you can for half of the year.

What are the shoes with the high sole called?

Platform shoes, high heels

How many gallons in a tank fifty seven inches by eighteen inches by eighteen inches high?

79.9 gallonsSee Sources and related links for a handy converter.

How high are the steps in the building's staircase?

The steps in the building's staircase are approximately 7 inches high.

What exactly is a work platform?

A work platform is a platform that is electronically controlled. If you need to reach high places that you can't reach just by yourself, a work platform can raise you higher to let you do your work.

How many feet high is a diving platform?

Probably 100 feet high or 20 feet high

You took a running leap off a diving platform You were running at 3.0 ms and hit the water 2.5 s later How high was the platform and how far from the edge of the platform did you hit the water?

Ignoring air resistance, height = 30.625 metres - which is high - men's Olympic high diving is from 27 metres.You would hit the water 7.5 metres away.