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Q: A solid cubical block of fine wood costs Rs 256 at Rs 500 per metercube find its volume and the length of each side?
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What is the formula for calculating the volume of a block of wood?

Since, this is a cubical block, It can be length * breadth* height..

How do you calculate the volume of materials in concrete?

If it is a cubical block, the volume is simply length x height x width.

How do you find volume of block?

To find the volume of a block, multiply the length, width, and height of the block together. The formula for volume of a block is V = l x w x h, where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width, and h is the height of the block.

How do you calculate the volume of a block?

Block being a box: Height * Length * Depth = Volume Giving the three dimensions available.

What is the weight of cubical block of ice 50 cm in length if 1 m3 of ice weighs 900 kg?

The volume of the cubical block of ice is 50 cm x 50 cm x 50 cm = 125,000 cm³. Converting this to cubic meters gives 0.125 m³. Therefore, the weight of the block of ice would be 0.125 m³ x 900 kg/m³ = 112.5 kg.

What is the volume of wood block?

If its a cuboid, volume = length * breadth * height .

A solid cubical block of fine wood costs Rs 256 at Rs 500 per meter square find its volume and the length of each side?

i think there would be 500 per meter cube instead of 500 per meter square.

How do you find the volume of a rectangular block?

Length by width by height

What is the density of a block 384kg volume 4096cm?

4096 cm is not a volume, but a length. Once you know the volume, divide the mass by the volume to get the density.

What is a Belgian block?

A Belgian block is a nearly cubical block of granite or some other tough stone, used as a material for street pavements.

How can the volume of a block be determined?

V = length x width x height

How would you find the volume of blocks?

Volume of a rectangular block is: length*width*height. Use consistent units.