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Q: A spherical balloon is inflated at a rate of 10 cm cube per sec what is the change in its radius when it's radius is 10 cm?
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Whenspherical balloon expands when it is taken from the cold outdoors to the inside of a warm house If its surface area increases 11.0 percent by what percentage does the radius of the balloon change?

If the surface area of a spherical balloon increases by 11%, the radius will increase by approximately 3.3%. This relationship is based on the formula that relates surface area to radius in a sphere (Surface Area = 4πr^2).

What is the radius of a 12 inch balloon?

Assuming the balloon is perfectly spherical and that the 12" you state refers to the diameter of the balloon then it is obviously 6". If you can't assume any of the above then your question cannot be answered.

Which doesnot change when spherical mirror is broken?

Its radius of curvature and its reflecting property

What is the volume of a balloon with a radius of 7 inches?

Assuming it is spherical (since it has a specific radius) then Volume = (4/3)pi*radius^3, so V = (4/3)pi*7^3 = 1436.76 cu. in.

How do you calculate the radius of a balloon with an area of 1200 meters squared?

Assuming it is spherical: area = 4 x pi x radius2. Replace the area, and solve.

The surface area of a spherical balloon is 175 cm2 If the length of the radius was six times as large what would the surface area be?

this is funny cause i took an online test with this question

Why does the rate of change of the radius of a balloon slow down as the balloon gets bigger?

The volume of a balloon is like that of a sphere. So we use 4/3x Pix radius3 .Now plug in some numbers for V and see how radius changes. You will see if you go from a small volume to one a little larger, say .1 to .15, there is a pretty big change in the radius. Now try 1000 to 1000.15. You will see the change in the radius is much smaller.That is because of the fact the radius is cubed. I can't draw it here, but have a look at the graph of x cubed and that may shed some light on it.

How do you find the area of a balloon?

You mean the surface area, right? Assuming the balloon is approximately spherical, you can measure the diameter, divide by two to get the radius & plug that into this formula.A=¾πr²Where A is the area, r is the radius and π is the ratio of the circumpherence to the radius of a circle. 3.14 or 22/7 are good approximations to π, also a decent calculator will have a better approximation built in. To look it up search for "pi" (that's the Greek letter's name).

What is the radius of a 32 foot spherical water tank?

volume of spherical = 4/3*Pi*Radius^3 = 4/3*3.14*32^3=137188

How big can a blown up balloon get?

The size a balloon can expand to when inflated will depend on its material, shape, and how much air or gas is put into it. However, most balloons can typically expand to around 10-12 inches in diameter when fully inflated. Specialty balloons, like weather balloons, can expand to several feet in diameter when filled with gas.

What is the radius of England?

Radius is a sensible measure to use with a circular (or spherical) shape. England is neither.

A spherical balloon is being inflated so that its volume is increasing at the rate of 5 cubic meter per minute at what rate is the diameter increasing when diameter is 12 meter?

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