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That would be 4300 inches -about a s high as a 35 story building

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Q: A stack of a million 1 bills would be how many inches?
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How tall is a stack of one dollar bills worth 17 million?

17 million one-dollar bills would stack to about 6,091.67 feet high.

What is the height if you stack 20 dollar bills until you reach 1 million?

Oh, what a lovely question! Each dollar bill is about 0.0043 inches thick. So, if you stack 20 dollar bills, it would be 0.086 inches tall. To reach 1 million dollars, you would stack bills about 86,000 inches high, which is approximately 7,167 feet or around 1.35 miles tall. Just imagine all the beautiful landscapes you could paint along that journey!

How large is one billion dollars in 100 dollar bills?

Each bill is 0.0043 inches (0.11 mm) thick, and there are 10 million $100 bills in $1 billion. So 10 million bills stacked up would make a stack 43,000 inches -- or about 2/3 mile -- high.

How tall is a stack of one billion dollars in one dollar bills?

Theoretically, 67.866 miles. If any bill is not compressed any further than its "normal" thickness of 0.0043 inches (0.11 mm), then one billion bills would make a stack of 4.3 million inches (67.8 miles).

How tall is a stack of one billion hundred dollar bills?

One billion US currency bills would create a stack more than 67.8 miles high. The average thickness of the paper used is 0.0043 inches (about 0.11 mm). One billion bills (if they did not get further compressed by the weight) would reach a height of 4.3 million inches (67.866 miles).

How high would a stack of 195 hundred dollar bills be?

195 100-dollar bills would be 0.84 inches tall.

If you use 1000 dollar bills and stack them what would be the measurement be of that pile of one thousand dollar bills?

4.3 inches

How thick is a 100000 US Dollars in 100 dollars bill?

4.3 inches, most heist movies make it seem like it would fill up a briefcase and such but it doesn't. In 20 dollar bills it is 21.5 inches, in 10 dollar bills it is 43 inches, in 5 dollar bills it is 86 inches, and in 1 dollar bills it is 430 inches. A dollar bill is .0043 inches so in turn to make a stack a mile long it would takeover 14 million bills.

How tall is a trillion one dollar bills?

In a straight stack, one trillion US $1 bills would be a stack 67,866 miles high (109220 km).The minimum thickness of a bundle of 50 new US $1 bills is 0.215 inches (0.5 cm), not counting the band. Using the figure of 0.43 inch for 100 bills, or 4.3 inches for a stack of 1000, you reach the following dimensions:1 million one-dollar bills create a stack 4300 inches tall (358.33 feet, 109.22 meters).1 billion one-dollar bills create a stack 4,300,000 inches tall.This is 358,333 feet, or 67.866 miles, or 109.22 kilometers.1 trillion one-dollar bills create a stack 4,300,000,000 inches tall.This is 358,333,333 feet, or 67866 miles, or 109220 kilometers, more than 1/4 of the average distance to the Moon.

How high is a Stack 1 million dollars?

One million 1-dollar bills would be about 358.33 feet tall.

How tall is 1 million dollars in 100 dollar bills?

A US dollar bill is reportedly .0043 inches thick. Assuming the same for a 100 dollar bill, a stack of 100 dollar bills totalling one million dollars would be 43 inches tall. It takes 10,000 such bills to equal a million dollars. 10,000 X .0043 = 43 inches. Interestingly, using these measurements, a billion dollars would be just over 3583 feet tall, and a trillion dollars would be just over 678.66 miles tall!

How much volume of 1 million dollar bill stack up?

100 dollar bills would stack 44 inch high