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Q: A t-test is any statistical hypothesis test in which the test statistic follows a Student's t-distribution under the null hypothesis. It can be used to determine if two sets of data are significantly?
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Does null hypothesis determine whether p value for non directional or directional testing on hypothesis should be used?

A null hypothesis is simply a postulate or, put another way, a possible statement of fact. It is a claim about something that might be accepted as true that is to be tested.It does not determine in any way what decision method should be used to test whether it should be accepted. Therefore, it does not determine any aspect of the decision method that is used such as p value.In general there are many rational ways of testing one hypothesis against another. Some of these ways will have better statistical properties than others; some might be cheaper or more convenient to perform. But none would be determined by the pair of hypotheses.

In a field if statistics what is used to predict or test hypothesis?

A statistical model is fitted to the data. The extent to which the model describes the data can be tested using standard tests - including non-parametric ones. If the model is a good fit then it can be used to make predictions.A hypothesis is tested using a statistic which will be different under the hypothesis being tested and its alternative(s). The procedure is to find the probability distribution of the test statistic under the assumption that the hypothesis being tested is true and then to determine the probability of observing a value at least as extreme as that actually observed.

Determine the hypothesis in this conditional statement if it is after midnight then the store will be closed?

It is after midnight((:

How would you determine the expected frequencies for a chi-square goodness of fit test?

You first decide on a null hypothesis. Expected frequencies are calculated on the basis of the null hypothesis, that is, assuming that the null hypothesis is true.

What is hypothesis in basic statistic?

A statistician may have some idea about some statistics in a data set, and there is a need to test whether or not that hypothesis is likely to be true. Data are collected and a test statistic is calculated. The value of this test statistic is used to determine the probability that the hypothesis is true.

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How is z score and p value related?

The z-score is a statistical test of significance to help you determine if you should accept or reject the null-hypothesis; whereas the p-value gives you the probability that you were wrong to reject the null-hypothesis. (The null-hypothesis proposes that NO statistical significance exists in a set of observations).

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What is a way to test a hypothesis?

One way to test a hypothesis is to conduct an experiment where you manipulate the variables of interest and observe the outcomes. Ensure that the experiment is well-designed, with appropriate controls and replicates, to draw valid conclusions about the hypothesis. Analyze the data collected using statistical methods to determine whether the results support or refute the hypothesis.

What is the nature of hypothesis testing?

Hypothesis testing is a statistical method used to compare two or more sets of data to determine if there is a significant difference between them. It involves setting up a null hypothesis and an alternative hypothesis, collecting data, and using statistical tests to either accept or reject the null hypothesis based on the evidence. It helps researchers make informed decisions about the population based on sample data.

What is an inverse hypothesis?

To determine the inverse, negate both the hypothesis and conclusion.

How do scientists determine whether a hypothesis is correct?

Scientists determine whether a hypothesis is correct by performing experiments. They apply the hypothesized stimulus to one group of subjects and not to another group called the control group. If the experimental group is significantly different statistically from the control group the hypotheses is assumed correct. But, that isn't the end, if it's a significant finding other researchers try to duplicate the experiment. If they are unable to, it brings the hypothesis into question.

It Comes after a hypothesis and is used to determine whether the hypothesis is correct?

Test your hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

How do you tell if two samples are signficantly different?

Statistical tests like t-tests or ANOVA can be used to determine if two samples are significantly different. These tests compare means of the samples, account for sample size, and calculate a p-value to determine if the difference is significant. A p-value below a chosen significance level (commonly 0.05) indicates that the samples are significantly different.

What is the Pareto analysis?

Its a statistical method to determine the efficiency of a technique.

What are p values?

P values are a measure used in statistical hypothesis testing to determine the strength of evidence against the null hypothesis. A low p value (usually less than 0.05) suggests that there is strong evidence to reject the null hypothesis, indicating that there is a significant difference or effect.

What is a comparison distribution?

A comparison distribution type is what we use to make inferences from the data of our study or experiment. The researcher uses the comparison distribution to determine how well the distribution can be approximated by the normal distribution. Hypothesis testing is very important for every statistical test.

Advantage of hypothesis testing?

Hypothesis testing allows us to make inferences about population parameters based on sample data, helping us make decisions and draw conclusions about the effectiveness of interventions or the presence of relationships. It provides a framework for evaluating the statistical significance of results and helps us assess whether an observed effect is real or due to random chance.