An improper fraction is a fraction whose absolute value if greater than or equal to 1. Thus an improper fraction, with a positive denominator, has a numerator whose absolute value is greater than the denominator.
Any fraction where the number on top is the same number - or a higher number - than the number on the bottom is equal to or greater than one.
It's a fraction, whose value is 0.073
0.461 is a fraction whose absolute value is less than one. It cannot, therefore, be expressed as a mixed number.0.461 is a fraction whose absolute value is less than one. It cannot, therefore, be expressed as a mixed number.0.461 is a fraction whose absolute value is less than one. It cannot, therefore, be expressed as a mixed number.0.461 is a fraction whose absolute value is less than one. It cannot, therefore, be expressed as a mixed number.
An improper fraction has a numerator greater than the denominator. When the numerator and denominator are equal, that's called "1."
An improper fraction is a fraction whose absolute value if greater than or equal to 1. Thus an improper fraction, with a positive denominator, has a numerator whose absolute value is greater than the denominator.
A fraction (not faction) with an absolute value of at least 1 is an improper fraction. One whose absolute value is in (0, 1) is a proper fraction.
Any fraction where the number on top is the same number - or a higher number - than the number on the bottom is equal to or greater than one.
It is an improper fraction.
An improper fraction.
That's an improper fraction.
You cannot. A proper fraction is one whose absolute value is less than 1 while an improper fraction is one whose absolute value is at least one.
a fraction that has a numerator equal to the denominator is one: a fraction who's numerator is greater that the denominator is an improper fraction.
It is any fraction whose numerator is zero and denominator is not zero.
A fraction whose value is one or more is called an improper fraction, or a mixed fraction, depending on how you write it. For example one-and-a-half can be written as 1 1/2 - this is a mixed fraction. If you write it as 3/2, it is called an improper fraction.
A proper fraction (or a negative fraction).
improper fraction