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Q: A use of periodic functions in real life?
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Uses of trigonometric functions in real life situations?

Can you use trigonomic functions in real life situations? It's not like you carry a calculator with you everywhere... Very unlikely unless you have a job that requires trig skills.

Why use pie in periodic functions?

Pie is tasty. Pi, however, is what you use in periodic functions. +++ And you do so because periodic functions have properties linked to those of the circle. (You can illustrate this by plotting a sine curve on graph-paper, from a circle whose diameter is the peak-peak amplitude of the wave..)

When do you use radicals in real life?

engineering includes using radical functions almost every day

How does polynomial function exist in real life?

As with most advanced math, if your "real life" involves engineering work, you will use such math; otherwise, you will hardly have anything to do, in this case, with polynomial functions.

When would you use a radical function in real life?

If you work in science or engineering, you will need radical functions (and other advanced math topics) all the time. Otherwise, you won't have much need for radical functions.

What do all living organisms need to carry on life functions?

All living organisms use energy to carry out daily functions

How do you use functions in daily life?

I use them everyday with a spread sheet.

When will you use Square root functions in real life?

The diameter of a rectangular area is the square root of the length squared plus the width squared. D = √(L²+W²).

How can you use a number line to order real-life events?

how to use number line to represent real life event

How do you use periodic functions in oscillation?

Many oscillations are simple harmonic motions and such motion can be represented by a sine (or equivalently, cosine) curve.

How can you use solving equations in real life?

School is part of real life... if you are using equations in school that is real.

What kind of estate establishes the ownership of property for only the life of the owner?

A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.A Life Estate provides the right to the use and sole possession of real estate for the life of the life tenant.