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how to use number line to represent real life event

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Q: How can you use a number line to order real-life events?
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Related questions

How can a time line help you understand the sequence of events?

time lines are basically a sequence of events in order.

How do you read a time line?

You read it in the order of the dates, or the sequential order of how events took place.

What is a line that shows numbers in order using a scale?

what is a line that shows a number in order using a scale is called what is it called

Why do you have a time line?

A time line not only shows the chronological order in which a set of events occurred, but also, if done to scale, gives a visualization of the relative time between events.

How are time lines used to display chronological events?

A time line can be used on grapgh paper to display the order of events on a horizontal plane, that uses a "line" with dates and events that lead to a final outcome. As an example, a time line can be used to display the time & events that the Roman empire began and ended.

How are a number line and a time line similar?

they are both in chronological order

A line that shows numbers in order from least to greatest?

The number line

What is a diagram that shows the order of events within a period of time?

A timeline is a diagram that shows the order of events within a period of time. It typically uses a straight line with markers for specific dates or events to visually represent the sequence of events. Timelines are commonly used in history to show key events in chronological order.

What is a line that shows numbers in order from least to greatest?

That would be a number line.

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Which of the following is the best use of a time line?

A time line is best used to visually represent the chronological order of events, helping to understand the sequence and duration of key events over time. It is great for tracking historical events, project milestones, or personal achievements in a clear and organized manner.

What is a line that shows numbers in order from least to greatest called?

its called a number line