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and it cannot take on values in between its distinct values. Examples of discrete variables include the number of children in a family, the number of cars in a parking lot, and the number of heads obtained when flipping a coin.

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Q: A variable is discrete if each of its values is distinctly different from the value that follows it?
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Is weight a discrete variable?

Harish-Chandra's classification of the discrete series representations of a semisimple connected Lie group is given as follows. If L is the weight lattice of the maximal torus T, a sublattice of it where t is the Lie algebra of T, then there is a discrete series representation for every vector v of L + ρ,

What is difference between an instance variable and a class variable?

An instance variable is typically associated with an object instance of the class whereas class variable is not associated with any object instance. Static variables are referred to as class variables while non-static regular variables are called instance variables. Simply put, you will have as many instances of the instance variable as there are object instances. i.e., if there are 10 instances of an object, you will have 10 instances of that instance variable as well. But, there will be only one instance of the static or class variable. Instance variables are accessed as follows: objname.variableName; Class variables are accessed as follows: ClassName.variableName;

Is a letter monomial?

A monomial is a single termed algebraic expression. A variable can be a monomial, but usually it follows a coefficient. (ex. 3x; 4xyz; 5y2z3)

How do you calculate break-even?

Formula to calculate breakeven point is as follows: Break even point = Fixed cost / contribution margin Contribution margin = Sales - Variable cost

Why is it x and y are the to variables?

Because x has historically been used to describe "the unknown" and that's exactly what an independent variable is, an unknown. y was used because it follows x.

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Is it true that a variable is discrete if each of its values is very similar to the value that follows it?


Is weight a discrete variable?

Harish-Chandra's classification of the discrete series representations of a semisimple connected Lie group is given as follows. If L is the weight lattice of the maximal torus T, a sublattice of it where t is the Lie algebra of T, then there is a discrete series representation for every vector v of L + ρ,

What is the factor that is measured as a result in a experiment?

Dependent variable. The independent variable is the factor that is changed during the experiment. The dependent variable is the factor that is measured. Written in an "if-then" statement, the IV follows the "if" and the DV follows the "then."

When can a hypoythesis be considered testable?

If there is an independent variable and a tangible dependent variable in it then it can be tested. A general form of a hypothesis would be: If the (independent variable) (verb)s, then the (dependent variable) will (verb). If it follows this format, it can be tested

What factor that is measured as a result of the change in an experiment?

The factor that is measured as a result of the change in an experiment is termed the dependent variable. It is the variable that is observed and measured to determine the effect of the independent variable, which is the factor being manipulated in the experiment.

How do you assign value of one variable to another variable in unix?

If you are asking about shell usage, just assign the value as follows: first=5 second=2 first=$second

What is difference between an instance variable and a class variable?

An instance variable is typically associated with an object instance of the class whereas class variable is not associated with any object instance. Static variables are referred to as class variables while non-static regular variables are called instance variables. Simply put, you will have as many instances of the instance variable as there are object instances. i.e., if there are 10 instances of an object, you will have 10 instances of that instance variable as well. But, there will be only one instance of the static or class variable. Instance variables are accessed as follows: objname.variableName; Class variables are accessed as follows: ClassName.variableName;

What follows different - than or from?

'From' is correct.

What is a random variable in probability theory?

Random Variable in probability theory is defined as follows: Assuming you have variables Xi where i is an integer ie: i=1,2,3.......n a variable Xi is called a random variable iff(if and only iff) and random selection yields a variable Xi for i=1,2.........,n with the same likelihood of appearance. i.e prob(X=Xi)=1/n

Which discovery is credited to Gregor Mendel?

Gregor Mendel is credited with the discovery of the basic principles of heredity through his work with pea plants, which laid the foundation for the field of genetics. He demonstrated that inheritance follows certain patterns and is determined by discrete units that we now call genes.

How do you calculate contribution?

Formula for contribution is as follows: Sales revenue xxxx Less: Variable cost xxxx Contribution margin xxxx

Is this true that total costs are equal to fixed cost plus variable cost per unit?

No fixed costs do not change where variable do depending on market and amount ordered among other varies.